Blessed With a Curse

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I came to slowly, blinking and wondering what the hell had just happened.

I tried to sit up,  but as I did, I heard something clank around and a shackle around my wrist pulled tight, binding me down to the bed I was laying on.

It was clearly an old, forgotten place, and a cloud of dust seemed to waft from the bed every time I moved.

My heart pounded in my ears, and panic clawed its way up my throat, begging to be released.

I tried to open my mouth, but a cloth gag was secured over it, preventing me from doing anything other than lie there, petrified. 

  I thrashed around on the bed, trying to do anything to free myself, but there was nothing I could do. These cuffs needed a key, and I didn't have so much as a sharp object on me.

I attempted to scream through the gag, but didn't accomplish much more than making my voice hoarse.

A door opened, letting a sliver of light into the dim basement and revealing a figure in the doorway.

"Now, now, princess. Just relax." A blissfully familiar voice said.

Andy strolled down the stairs, taking a seat on the bed.

"Keep that pretty little mouth shut, would you?" He instructed, before reaching forwards and tugging the gag down and off of my mouth.

"Andy," I rasped, "Undo the chains, please, please, get me out of here." My eyes welled up. It was okay. Andy would get me out of here, we'd find Jax, and I'd get to go home.

But then, to my shock, Andy reached into his jacket and pulled out a long, shining gun that glinted in the limited light, and slowly pressed it to the side of my head.

"Sorry, Princess." He smirked, "But I've got other plans for you."

"A-Andy..." I stuttered, but he just laughed, pressing the gun against my lips.

I jerked my head away, shaking uncontrollably.

"Don't hurt me, please," I begged, "Please, don't do this."

"Don't worry, darling. As long as you listen to me, do what I say, I have no reason to hurt you." Andy reassured me.

He turned and walked back up the stairs, leaving me alone.

"Andy!" I yelled hoarsely, "Please, don't leave me like this!"

"Thanks for reminding me." Andy grinned, turning back and shoving the gag back over my mouth, tightening it hard enough to hurt.

Tears leaked down my face, and he brushed them away with fake care before going back up the stairs.

I tried once again to pull my hand out of the chains, but only succeeded in making all the skin on my wrist more red and raw than it already was.

Andy returned a few moments later, and this time, he wasn't alone.

"No!" I screamed through the gag, though it was muffled.

Andy roughly dragged Jax down the stairs by his upper arm, making him stumble and nearly fall multiple times before Andy threw him to the ground, sending him skidding across the hard stone.

His hands were chained behind him with handcuffs, which Andy quickly also attached to a metal pipe behind him.

Then he walked over to the wall and flicked on a switch, letting the glow of a single, dim bulb fill the space.

With the newfound light, I finally managed to take in the room. It was completely void of furniture, save for the sad, metal bedframe and thin mattress I laid on. 

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