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"Baby? Hazel, can you hear me, love?"

My eyes fluttered open. W-what?

"Dad?" I slowly tried to sit up, making a cold compress fall from my forehead to my lap.

"Hey." He smiled, "You okay?"

"Yeah. Sorry, I just..."

"It's okay, baby. Just relax, okay?" Dad placed a gentle hand on my chest.

"I'm relaxed." I insisted.

He laughed, before his expression turned serious.

"That was another panic attack, baby. Do you know what brought it on?"

I shrugged. "The usual. Paranoia, that kind of thing."

"What are you paranoid about?" Dad pressed.

I just shrugged again. "I dunno."

Dad sighed. "Well, just remember what the doctor told you, okay love? You're doing amazing." He kissed my forehead. "Your uncles are coming over later."

"Already?" I asked.

"You were out all night, love. It's tomorrow." Dad smiled.

I sucked in a breath. "Still. It's only been a day."

"They're only coming for dinner, not work." Dad explained.

"Oh. Okay."

Dad walked out of my room, commanding me again to rest. So obviously, as soon as he was gone, I jumped out of bed and sat at my desk, picking up a pencil and starting on some concept art for the album Dad had told me Bring Me would be releasing soon.

It was just for fun, of course, but I thought it looked pretty good.

I popped in one earbud so I could still hear if Dad called me, and kept adding details to the drawing.

I hadn't realized hours had passed until I heard someone clear their throat behind me.

I turned, pulling the earbud out and expecting Dad.

Instead, Alissa stood in the doorway.

"Yes?" I asked when she said nothing.

"How are you feeling?" She finally asked.

Caught a little off guard, I shrugged. "I'm alright."

"Good." She said awkwardly, but I could tell by her tone that she didn't really care.

"Do you need something?" I pressed when she still didn't go. There was no way that she came up here just to pretend to check on me. Dad wasn't even here to see it.

"Oh. Yes. Your father sent me up here to tell you that his band mates can't actually make it tonight. So we'll have the dinner a different time."

I slumped in disappointment. Obviously, I'd see them again soon, but I'd still been looking forward to tonight.

"Okay," I mumbled, turning back to my page, "Don't expect me down for dinner then, I guess. Thank you."

Alissa said nothing as she left, closing the door softly behind her.

I put both my earbuds back in this time, hoping the music would lighten my mood again.

"Nobody can say...for certain...if maybe it's all just a game..." I sang softly to myself, "When I open my eyes to the future...I can hear you say my name. So rain down on me..."

The song finished, as did my drawing. I held it up proudly, examining it one last time before closing my sketchbook and moving to my bed.

I opened my book from Jax, flipping to my chapter and reading for an hour or so before my phone went off.

I Still Need You (A BMTH, BFMV, etc. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now