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The tour was winding down quickly, and I was getting more and more worried.

Soon it was back to school, and tests, and homework, and mean girls. And no Jax.

God, just the thought sounded like torture.

"Hazel, hurry up!" Uncle Lee banged on the bathroom door, "We have to meet everyone tonight you know!"

"I know!" I called back, carefully swiping on some of the mascara I'd bought. "Just give me a sec!"

Who the hell made makeup so damn difficult?

I finally finished with the stuff, shoving the small container back in the drawer and leaving the bathroom, a permanent smile stuck on my face.

Uncle Vegan noticed me first as I walked into the living area.

He let out a long whistle. "Jaxon is a lucky man, sweetheart."

I flushed red, and the rest of my uncles and Dad turned to look.

I swear Dad's eyes got misty. He walked over and wrapped me in a hug.

"You look gorgeous, baby girl," he whispered.

"Thanks, Dad," I breathed back.

"Spin for us, Haze!" Uncle Jordan called as Dad let me go.

Giggling, I obeyed, and my knee- length black dress twirled out around me. I nearly tripped on my dark strap heels, and flailed in a pathetic attempt to regain my balance.

Uncle Jordan leapt up, calling, "I got her!" I felt his arms catch me before I hit the floor, and I awkwardly thanked him.

He laughed, "Here, you messed up your bow back here."

"It doesn't really mat-" I tried, but he was already tightening the laces up the back and retying the bow more tightly.

"There. Now you look perfect." Uncle Jordan nodded in approval.

I grinned, fidgeting with the silver diamonds dangling from both of my ears.

"Not bad yourself." I said, finally taking in the band's matching dark blue suits.

Dad stood out the most, as per usual, with his full suit while the others simply wore dress shirts and pants, big earrings similar to my own, and his long hair styled to perfection.

"Alright, we should hit the road if we're gonna get there in time." Uncle Nicholls said, glancing at his watch.

We headed out to the van we'd rented for tonight, Uncle Lee getting behind the wheel, Uncle Vegan calling shotgun, Uncle Jordan and Uncle Nicholls taking the middle, and Dad and I squished in the back.

"To the fanciest party we will ever be invited to!" Uncle Lee cheered, pulling out of the parking lot.

My stomach flipped. I doubted the fancy, formal part would stick. To celebrate a successful tour for so many bands, they were holding a special dinner and party tonight for the performers. I was beyond excited, and I already knew I was going to have to restrain myself from fangirling uncontrollably.

We rode down the highway, and Uncle Vegan cracked the radio, using his phone to play their own music.

"Get the fuck up, wake the fuck up, wipe the system and-"

"Back the fuck up!" The rest of us joined in screaming with Dad.

He laughed as he sang, "You're a puppet, when they cut your strings off, don't come crawling back...go Hazel!"

"Kingslayer," I sang, matching Babymetal's tone as best I could, "Destroying castles in the sky..."

When the song ended, Uncle Jordan turned to look at me.

"We ought to feature you in one of the next albums songs. How 'bout it, Oli?"

Dad grinned, and I flushed red. "We'll see." He said.

We made a few more turns, and 'Throne' blasted in my ears as Dad and my uncles screamed along. I watched as we passed by road after road, before finally pulling into a smaller parking lot outside a big, fancy looking restaurant.

"Can we even afford this?" I asked, gawking at the building.

"Of course not, love. That's why we aren't the ones paying," Uncle Jordan laughed, planting a kiss on my forehead.

I giggled, and he led me forwards, through the door.

I almost gasped. Big crystal chandeliers dangled above a long, single dining table set to perfection. I heard various different songs from the bands attending playing softly in the background, and I swayed in time to the acoustic version of "Memories of a Broken Heart."

"It's gorgeous," I breathed, and Uncle Jordan smiled warmly.

"I know." The rest of the band finally caught up, and heads began to turn.

My breath caught in my throat as Andy Leo Rockhold of Crown the Empire strode towards us.

"Welcome, Bring Me." He grinned, before noticing me, "Well, well. Who might this beauty be?"

"Hands off, Rockhold, she's too young for you, and my daughter." Dad smiled.

Andy laughed.  "Wouldn't dream of it, Sykes." He studied the two of us again. "Aw, this is the one you're always talking about?" He extended a hand, "I'm Andy Leo Rockhold. But just Andy's fine."

"I-I know." I stuttered like an idiot. "Who you are, I mean."

He gave me a toothy grin. "Fan?"

"Definitely. I'm Hazel Sykes."

"I know." He mimicked my earlier tone, "Oli never shuts up about you. Though now I see why," he winked and walked away.

I exhaled.

"I don't trust him." Uncle Jordan stated as soon as he was out of hearing distance.

"Trust him with what?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Uncle Jordan shrugged. "Anything."

I rolled my eyes with a smile. "Whatever you say."

A voice boomed loudly through the room, and I saw Andy on a large stage behind the table.

"Alright, people, dinner's in ten, so find your seat and get hungry!"

The room cheered back, and people began shuffling towards the table.

I sucked in a breath as I saw more closely how the tables were set up. Name tags sat on every plate, telling us where to go.

"We can't sit together?" I asked sadly, looking at Uncle Jordan and Dad. The rest of my uncles were off finding their own seats already.

They both laughed.

"We live with you, Hazel. Trust me, you'll see us again." Uncle Jordan said.

"Go find your seat, love. We'll see you at the party after." Dad encouraged.

I took a deep breath, nodded, and did my best to look confident as I moved to find my spot.

You can do this, Hazel.  Everyone in your life you admire is watching, so you'd better not fuck this up.

I finished my inner monologue by tripping over my own feet.

A/N: Here's to chapter 10! Thank you so so so much for reading! <3
If you ever have any questions or whatever, please ask! I love reading the comments :)

I Still Need You (A BMTH, BFMV, etc. fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora