Empire (Let Them Sing)

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I yawned as I woke the next morning. I tried to close my eyes again, but after just staring at the clock on the wall for twenty minutes, I concluded that there was no way I would be able to fall asleep again.

Rolling out of bed, I grabbed my book and my phone and went to change.

I barely held back my laugh as I saw Dad sprawled out and snoring in his bunk, kissing him on the cheek before quietly opening and closing the thin door separating the bunks from the main living area.


I turned around. Uncle Jordan was sprawled on the couch, scrolling through his phone with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Morning, Uncle Jordan." I grinned, moving and flopping down next to him, leaning on his shoulder.

"What are you doing up so early?" He laughed, putting down his phone so he could drape an arm around me, "You do know its only seven-thirty, right?"

"Yeah." I played with a strand of my bed-head.

"Are you feeling alright?"

I flipped open my book and ignored him.

He laughed again, "Alright." He went back to his phone. I got up a few minutes later and went into the bathroom, pulling on a Post-Human: Survival Horror black sweater, with the Bring Me logo on the front. I quickly pulled on a pair of blue jeans and laced up my black converse, pulling my hair back into a loose ponytail before rejoining Uncle Jordan on the couch.

"Uncle Jordan?"

"Yeah?" He glanced down at me.

"D'you know when Bullet For My Valentine gets here?"

"Hm. Well, Spiritbox got here yesterday, Pierce the Veil'll be here today, Sleep Token just does whatever the fuck they want," we both laughed softly, "Crown the Empire arrives today too, and..." he glanced down at his phone, "Bullet For My Valentine gets here..." 

He dragged out the word for suspense, and I shoved him, "Uncle Jordan!"

He grinned, "Friday."

"Friday?" I groaned. It was only Wednesday.

"Why? Don't tell me you like Bullet For My Valentine more than Bring Me?" Uncle Jordan teased, pretending to look hurt.

(A/N: in case it's not blaringly obvious, i have no idea how tours work, so we're just gonna roll with everything i make up, okay? thx ;P)

"It's a tie." I decided, "Along with every other band you just listed."

"Oh, you're going down." Uncle Jordan grinned, tickling my ribs.

"Ah! Uncle Jordan, stop. S-stop!" I gasped out between my laughs, "Please, mercy! Mercy!"

"You guys'll wake up every fuckin' bus if you keep this up." A sleep-deprived looking Uncle Vegan stumbled out of the door and to the coffee maker.

"It's...Uncle Jordan's...fault..." I wheezed.

"She said she's a bigger Bullet fan than Bring Me." Uncle Jordan accused.

"Oh, she did not.

With that, Uncle Vegan joined in, and I was tickle attacked from all sides.

"Ah! No, please! It was a joke, it was a joke!" I begged, still laughing hysterically.

After a few more minutes of torment, Uncle Jordan and Uncle Vegan let up, and I gasped in an attempt to finally refill my lungs again.

I practically crawled back to the couch and settled down with my book while Uncle Jordan and Uncle Vegan began to make breakfast.

About twenty minutes later, Uncle Nicholls, Uncle Lee, and Dad emerged from the bunk area and we all sat around on the furniture while Uncle Jordan passed out bowls of cereal.

As we ate, Dad shared crazed fan stories from the previous nights that he had yet to tell me, and I laughed so hard that the milk from my cereal almost came out of my nose. Some fans were just straight-up insane.

Uncle Jordan pulled out his phone, and I snuggled close to him as he scrolled through posts that had Bring Me and Dad tagged in them.

My personal favourites were the people who asked the band to draw their next tattoos, and then they actually went and got them, drawn in the exact same way. That's dedication. Especially since Dad is a horrible artist sometimes.

I giggled as I saw a particularly awful one, and Uncle Jordan smiled down at me. "Like that one?"

"I should get Dad to draw my first one." I grinned.

"You'll have to get five first ones. We get jealous very easily. Oh, and one for each album." Uncle Jordan began listing off my number of tattoos on his fingers.

"Fish! Don't tattoo my daughter!" Dad yelled from where he was returning his empty bowl to the counter.

"I don't think you're in a position to talk." I called back, and he laughed.

"I make bad decisions so you don't have to." He grinned, moving to flop down next to me and wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"Hey! You guys up?" A manager yelled from outside.

"Yep. Coming!" Dad called back, and my uncles groaned as they got to their feet.

"Am I backstage again, or here for this one?" I asked.

"Well, Sleep Token's opening for us-"

"I'm there." I cut him off, already heading for the door.

Dad laughed. "Thought you might be."

"She really is a bigger fan of other bands, isn't she?" Uncle Jordan once again pretended to be hurt.

"I've never seen them perform, and they're some of my favourites. Don't come at me." I held my hands up in innocence.

"Fair enough." Uncle Jordan shrugged, "You aren't even gonna bring this?" He held up my book.

"Thanks for reminding me." I quickly climbed up onto my bunk, grabbing a small black leather backpack, jumping down and filling it with a water bottle, my book, and my phone. "Alright, let's go."

I followed them from the bus, heading for the stage. 

Dad stopped, pointing to the crowd, "I don't want you getting hurt or anything worse, so I've got a guard for you over there." He pointed to one of the guards near the edge of the crowd, "Stay with him, okay?"

"Okay." I agreed. This wasn't anything new for me, Dad was very incredibly protective all the time, which got annoying, but was still appreciated.

"Cheer loud for me. I wanna hear you, love," Dad smiled, kissing my forehead.

"Good luck," I groaned, "And play loud, too."

Dad chuckled and walked off as the manager herded them backstage.

I moved over, and the security guard smiled as I approached. "Hazel Sykes?"

"That's me." I smiled back shyly, adjusting the backpack's strap on my shoulder.

"Enjoy the show." He said, before returning his gaze to the wild crowd, who were all screaming as the lights on the stage flashed.

The lights dimmed a little before flashing bright, revealing Sleep Token on stage. My screams were added to the mix as they began playing one of my favourites by them, Vore.

The crowd went wild, and Vessel's voice was somehow even more powerful live.

I grinned to myself as they followed it with The Love You Want, my other all-time favourite, then Hypnosis, and finally The Summoning.

My voice was almost gone by the time Bring Me The Horizon came out, but somehow, I screamed through their show anyway, only taking a break to read my book once. That got me a weird look from my security guard, but he said nothing.

I grinned to myself. It was a perfect day.

Or so I thought.

I Still Need You (A BMTH, BFMV, etc. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now