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My heart pounded in my ears.

Andy pulled away, putting on mock relief. "I'm so glad you guys are okay." He lied through his teeth, looking between me and Jax, "Don't worry, we'll catch whatever motherfucker did this to you two."

Motherfucker isn't a strong enough word. I thought angrily. How dare he. How dare he waltz in here and try to play this off like this.

I was still scared, but my anger was quickly drowning it out. It was taking everything in my power not to tackle Andy to the floor and snap his worthless neck.

Jax had no such restraint.

"You fucker!" He screamed, lunging at Andy. 

Andy's eyes widened and he tried to step out of the way as Jax flew at him, barely avoiding being tackled.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Matt and Jason leapt up and grabbed Jax's arms, holding him back as Andy just watched him in panic. I couldn't tell if it was fake or not.

It should've been real.

"What the hell is this about?" Matt asked his son as he thrashed against his father's hold.

"Andy's the one who took us!" Jax screamed at the top of his lungs, "It was Andy! He wanted money from Oli for Hazel's return! He raped Hazel right in front of me, and made me watch every fucking second! Fucking piece of shit!" 

Andy stared at Jax like he was delusional, casually sliding over to me and snaking an arm around my waist.

"Jax. Are you alright?" He asked, "Hazel's like my unofficial little sister. I would never hurt her like that. The trauma of it all must be getting to your head."

I flinched at his touch, absolutely disgusted.

"I'm fine!" Jax yelled, before focusing on me. "He's lying! Tell them, Hazel. Tell them the truth."

I opened my mouth, but Andy's hand dug into my side, making me wince slightly. 

"Yes, Hazel. Tell them the truth," Andy repeated, looking down at me with a smile.

But his eyes.

If I breathed a word, he'd kill Jax. I knew it. He knew it.

"It wasn't him, Jax." I mumbled, looking at the floor, "It just...looked like him. It was always dark, or dimly lit, remember? And we were...we were desperate and...scared."

"Hazel, don't!" Jax begged, "Don't let him-"

"Just relax, bud." Matt said, gently pulling his son to his side and rubbing his back, "Just take deep breaths, okay?"

"But Andy is the one who took us! I swear, Dad, just please, you have to believe me!" Jax begged, his eyes welling up in desperation.

"Andy was playing shows almost every day you guys were gone." My dad stepped in to add, "And even if he wasn't, Andy is one of our closest friends, Jax. He would never-"

"He would!"

"I'm...I think we'd better go." Matt said as Jax got ready for screaming match 2.0.

I wiped at my eyes, pulling away from Andy to walk back over to Dad, my skin crawling and my brain on course for a complete breakdown.

Jax was still yelling and crying and begging with his father to listen as the door slammed behind them.

"I should get back, too. The boys'll be so happy to know you're safe." Andy winked at me, and I just pressed myself harder against Dad.

Andy paused as he turned to go. "Oli, could I have a word with her? There's something I need to ask her."

I squeezed Dad's hand, looking at him in desperation to say no, but he just shrugged. "Alright. If it's about a lead..."

"It is." Andy nodded.

Dad's face turned grim. "Tell me right away if you're onto something."

"Of course."

Dad left the room, and Andy motioned to the couch.

I stayed standing, trying to keep my temper under control. Otherwise, I would just end up like Jax. I needed to play this smart.

"Well. Bet you think you're real clever now, don't you?" Andy said with an emotionless smile, striding towards me.

"It's not hard when compared to you." I replied, crossing my arms, "And if you don't stay the fuck away from Jax and me-"

He laughed, pressing a cold finger against my lips. "You don't get make threats, Princess. If you so much as breathe a word of this to anyone, Jax will be dead by the following morning, and so will whoever you told. Just keep that in mind before you go running to Daddy Dearest, or any of your precious 'uncles.'" He mimed gagging.

I backed up, away from his touch. He didn't get to touch me ever again.

He laughed again. "Keep it in mind. See you soon, Princess." He winked and strode out of the door.

I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to calm my pounding heart. Honestly, I was shocked the panic hadn't forced a breakdown on me yet.

I heard voices from the kitchen, and crept to the doorway to listen in.

"Anything?" Dad asked.

"Sorry, man." Andy replied, "I thought I knew a guy, but when I described him to her, she had no idea. Just another dead end."

Dad sighed. "Well, thanks for trying."

"Anytime. I can't imagine how relieved you are to have her back safe."

"I just hope she's alright. Getting her age...God, I can't imagine." There was so much sorrow and regret in Dad's voice it broke me a little.

"Yeah..." Andy agreed, "But she's a strong one. I think she'll be okay."

I clenched my fists. My only motivation to not let it all make me cave in was to prove that a piece of shit like Andy would never be able to break me. Never.

"Thanks again for everything." Dad said.

"No problem. It's the least I could do." Andy replied.

Fuck you,  I thought bitterly, before reminding myself, Relax, Hazel. Play it smart.

Andy left, and I went up to my room. Dad joined me a few minutes later, a steaming mug in his hands.

I grinned gratefully as I took the hot chocolate from him. "Thanks."

Dad didn't say anything as he sat down on my bed.

I took a tentative sip of the drink, and Dad's voice was quiet when he finally spoke.

"I thought we'd never get another moment like this."

My heart broke a little more.

"I'll always be here, Dad." I promised, reaching out to brush my fingers against his hand.

He grabbed my hand, squeezing it in reassurance. "Thank you, baby. I'm sorry you had to endure all of this. All I wanted was the best life I could give you."

"You are giving me that." I insisted,  "This wasn't something you could control. And I'm safe now. And tired," I added with a yawn.

Dad smiled. "I don't deserve you for a daughter, baby. Get some rest." He pulled the covers up to my chin, and I put the nearly empty mug on my nightstand, kissing Dad on the forehead before snuggling in.

"I love you."

"I love you, too, baby. And I will never let anyone hurt you ever again. I promise."

A/N: kinda a cute moment? 🥰🙃 But also Andy 😒

I'm starting to think about endings for this,  so once again, if there's anything you wanna see, let me know!

Thanks for reading!!

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