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Jax and I ran and ran until finally, it felt like my lungs were going to burst.

"Jax...can we stop?" I asked, trying not to pant like a dying animal.

Jax looked over his shoulder. Nothing but vast fields surrounding us on all sides.

He nodded, and we slowed to a stop.

My teeth chattered. It was freezing, and a thin layer of frost covered the ground, courtesy of December.

I guess I should've been thankful for the only small amount of snow coating the ground.

Jax wrapped an arm around me, pulling me to his side in an attempt to calm my shivering.

At least Andy hadn't taken my clothes completely, like a fucking psychopath.

"Do you want to try sleep?" Jax asked.

I shrugged, "You should. You look awful."

"Thanks." He smiled, wincing at the cold as he sat down, and I quickly joined him.

At first he just held my hand, clearly trying to respect my boundaries. But as I was shivering, I forced myself to put trauma to the back of my head to preserve body warmth.

"Can you hold me?" I whispered.

I felt Jax somehow relax and stiffen at the same time.

"You sure?" He mumbled back.

I nodded, wrapping my arms around his neck. He pulled me close, burying his head in my shoulder, and his hand traced careful circles up and down my spine, bringing me a new definition of "calm."

As we laid there, I slowly let my eyes drift shut.

But every time I did, I just saw Andy's face coming at mine, felt his disgusting body pinning me down... trapping me so he could...


I screamed as I felt a body pressed against mine, jerking back and kicking the other person away in panic.

Jax gasped in pain, and my hand flew to my mouth. "Jax, are you okay? Oh, God, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. You have a pretty fair reason to be spooked." He said, though he still had a hand clutched over his stomach.

"Sorry," I said again, embarrassed as I tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Relax. It's fine." Jax insisted.

We kept moving. Thankfully, Andy hadn't taken us far from the city, probably because he wasn't even from here, so at least we had that advantage.

Soon, the skyline appeared on the horizon, and I couldn't stop myself from sagging in relief.

Jax wrapped an arm across my shoulders.

"We made it, Hazel. We're gonna be okay." He laughed as he said it, and when I looked at him, his eyes were misty. I could only imagine how mine looked.

We practically ran the rest of the way to the city, and soon we were weaving through the streets, heading for my house. Matt and the rest of Bullet had to still be in the city searching for us, and we figured it'd be safest.

I was ready to cry when we reached my street, and my home came into view.

Jax and I ran to the front door, throwing it open.

It slammed behind us, and we both froze as a blissfully familiar voice called, "Who's there?"

"Dad!" I screamed, running down the hall to the kitchen, where he sat at the island.

I Still Need You (A BMTH, BFMV, etc. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now