Chapter 47: Witness to my Crime

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Lexa's POV-

I glide into my large tent, ready to fall into bed out of exhaustion.

Immediately after I step through the tent, I hear someone follow.

"Anya." I sigh, knowing it's her without looking.

"taim ai don known chit Yu were doing ai na nou don yu don kom op lufa au Yu." [If I had known what you were doing, I wouldn't have come looking.] She smirks.

I roll my eyes and give her an annoyed glare in response.

"She had your warpaint on her neck." Anya concludes proudly for noticing.

I rub the back of my hand over my swollen lips in embarrassment.

"Ogeda growna up Ai Seken." [All grown up now, my second.] Anya sighs.

"Yu forget dison laik nou fos gou kom a woman." [You forget this is not my first time with a woman.] I speak back while I unlace my boots.

"Em na na bilaik fos gou kom a woman Yu hod in." [It will be your first time with a woman you love.] She whispers kindly.

This catches my attention, causing me to stop with my laces and look up at Anya.

Before I can speak, she interjects.

"Ai get in Yu loved costia ba Yu were young. Em was nou kwelnes, em was naivety." [I know you loved Costia, but you were young. It was not weakness, it was naivety.] Anya reasons.

She was right. Costia and I had only ever kissed- we were young. I was 15 when I met her and 16 when she died. I was 20 now.

I had not been without pleasure for the past years- I had many women think it an honor to be with me. I took some up on their offers, but it was never meaningful in the way it is with Clarke.

"What is your point?" I demand.

"Clarke is Wanheda."

"I will not hear this again!" I raise my voice, kicking my boots off completely.

"I only want you to be careful. It was far too easy to catch you tonight. Next time it won't be me finding you. It could be Azgeda or others that wish to seek out your weakness."

"I do not have a weakness." I hiss back.

"Love is weakness." I conclude.

"Right." Anya says, defeated.

"Reshop, Heda." [Goodnight, Heda.]

I sigh.

"Reshop." [Goodnight.]


Clarke's POV-

It's well past the middle of the night when I hear a soft rustling noise from within my tent.

I open my eyes slowly trying to stay still to listen to the noise.

My fear grows as the sound intensifies- finally being able to recognize it as the shuffling of feet in the room.

Without turning my head, I hear the clank of heavy boots and buckles as multiple men step around me.

My heart rate intensifies as I hear them approach my bedside.

"haiplana gaf in em alive." [The Queen wants her alive.] One whispers.

I know I keep a dagger on my bedside table hidden away but know there is no use in getting it, because they are practically standing over me at this point, thinking I'm asleep.

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