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"Wake up! Wake up!" Derek jumped on Amelia's bed, shaking her to wake up. She turned and crawled under her warm, pink, fluffy blanket, trying to steal a few minutes of sleep. Derek would wake Amelia up this way all the time and she hated it.

"Come on Ami, it's time for school," he whispered. Derek sounded like a little kid on his first day in kindergarten and was evidently excited about it. Who wanted to go to school anyway.

"Derek, I've told you many times I hate it when you call me that." She groaned under her blanket, referring to his signature name for her. Her voice was shaky and a little unclear, still not having gotten rid of the sleepiness lacing it.

"Fine." He groaned as Amelia finally heard him leave her room. No one liked waking up early, getting dressed, and then going to school— especially seeing all these annoying people who didn't like them for no apparent reason. It was the truth. So much jealousy, and stress for nothing. Sometimes school was more like a hell for students than a place where they could gain the necessary-considered knowledge.

The summer had gone by so quickly and it'd been one of the best summers Amelia had ever had. It was the first time Derek and she went on vacation without their parents. It was awesome. No rules, they just did what they wanted. Freedom in other words.

The sun entered her room, which made her hate him even more.

"Damn it! He opened the window. I will kill him" she mumbled under the blanket.

Amelia hadn't noticed him lingering by the door, since her tired brain had assumed he'd walked out of the room entirely. He approached her bed again, pulling the blanket off her.

"Wake up now Amelia!" He shouted, yet his voice lacked the strictness he was desperately trying to weave into it. "We're going to be late."

"Ugh, okay!" Amelia yelled back at him, throwing her legs over the side of the bed and slipping her feet into her pink slippers with an exasperated sigh. "I really miss how sweet and nice you are to me at times. You know, when you don't act like a stupid, annoying brother." She gave him a sarcastic smile and made her way to the bathroom.

"Why are you two fighting? It's 7 in the morning." Alejandro came upstairs as he heard their angry voices—especially Amelia's. There wasn't a morning they wouldn't argue over something stupid, like God you've spent an entire hour in the bathroom, come on out, or No I will eat the last slice of honeyed bread. You couldn't tell if they were supposedly mature teenagers or toddlers awaiting adolescence with open arms.

"Oh, good morning Alejandro," Amelia said, giving him a small smile "It's just that Derek decided to piss me off before school," she said, staring at Derek out of the corner of her eye.

"Oh really?" Derek rolled his eyes in response to her accusation, "I just don't want to be late, but since I'm the oldest here, it's always my fault." His voice grew a little louder.

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