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Six years later

"Dad, Dad!" the little girl exclaimed as she wrapped her tiny arms around Derek's foot, trying to avoid her twin brother. Aurora and Mateo were 2 years old but they didn't look like each other even if they were twins. Not only because their gender was different but also because they had no features in common. Aurora had taken her dad's black hair and her mother's blue eyes, making the perfect contrast –she was going to be one of the prettiest girls once she grew up. However, looking at her she reminded you more of Derek than Amelia.

Mateo on the other hand had taken Amelia's ginger hair and blue eyes, it was like you saw the little version of his mother if she was a boy. Since Mateo had taken every single light color there was a possibility to like bright colors and not only black, white, and gray exactly like his father. Aurora though, already loved black and there was no going back.

"Mateo, leave your sister alone," Derek said calmly as he saw Mateo approaching her rapidly "Aren't you tired anyway? You've been chasing her all day." Mateo stared at him and then down to his sister who was now hidden behind Derek.

"Okay," he said "Come on Aurora let's play with our castles what do you think?" And he had hit a nerve. Aurora's eyes shined with amusement and ran to the living where there was a mess of their toys and their two –big– castles. The one was the castle of a princess, Luna had bought her on her 2nd birthday and Aurora had loved it –at least she may have loved black, but inside of her there was still a sparkle. Mateo's castle was with a huge dragon hanging on its rooftop and soldiers all around.

Amelia came from the kitchen holding two glasses of orange juice. She approached the living room where Aurora and Mateo were paying and placed the glasses on the coffee table. "What my two babies are playing?" she asked with a smile as she sat next to them on the floor with crossed legs.

Both Derek and Amelia were at such a young age to take care of two kids, while Amelia was in her first year of college when she got pregnant and Derek had just finished and started working at his father's company. With the help of their parents who had accepted completely their relationship and were so happy when they announced to them that they would have grandchildren, everything went perfectly, and Aurona and Mateo grew up without missing anything, while Amelia continued her studies –she still had two years though– but the first hard part was over.

They loved them so much and had tried their best to give their children everything. Every weekend they went on a road trip so Aurora and Mateo could see nature. On other weekends they went to the beach or the playground near to their house. Amelia and Derek had missed no moment with them, even when they were very busy and paperwork drowned them, they always found time to spend with their kids, even if that meant Amelia had to study all night and Derek worked overtime. It was worth it.

"W-We are playing with our castles!" Mateo exclaimed, "Look mom how b-big this dragon is rawr." His voice was so soft and cute as he moved the dragon in the air attacking Aurora's castle. Childhood fantasy, what a nostalgia.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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