Chapter 30

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Waeland's POV

"Take a good look at this, Waeland," Garret said smugly as he held up a picture of Evan and I making out on our last date at the park.

I felt my heart sink in my chest. Who took that? And how did he get it? No one else was there except Evan and me. My heart only sank deeper, but anger also started to rise as I saw him pull out another picture. One of me and Evan's first kiss at the party I had taken him to.

Shit. Shit, this is bad.

I snatched the pictures out of his hands and ripped them to pieces, but Garret only laughed.

"You think those are the only copies I have? No, I have enough to give every single person in this town," He said with a triumphant smirk on his face. I growled and lurched forward at him, but he quickly dodged and tsked at me. "You listen here, Waeland Daten. If you don't want those picture getting all over school, more importantly, to your dad. Then I suggest you do as I say. Break up with, Evan. Don't contact him, and don't talk to him in school either. Act like you don't even know him. I want you to break his heart."

"What the hell!? What would that do for you?" I asked angrily. Why the hell would someone want to purposely break someone's heart like that? Especially Evan.

"Remember how I told you I wanted Evan? This is the perfect plan, I get you to break his heart and make you seem like the bad guy, while I swoop in and help mend his heart," Garret said as if he had everything already figured out.

"You're crazy, Evan wouldn't fall for something so stupid. Besides, I could just tell him what you're planning," I snarled.

"You could, but if you do, I'll spread these pictures around like wildfire. And you know how quickly your reputation will fall, and then what do you think will happen when your father finds out after he's already warned you more than once to stay away from Evan," He said. I was angry. No, I was infuriated. But not only at Garret, at myself. Because I knew I was going to give in. Even if it meant hurting Evan...

"Fine, I'll stay away from Evan, but its not my fault if your idiotic plan fails," I growl at him and he just shrugs.

"Fair enough, but I highly doubt it. I always get what I want, unlike some people," Garret said as he glanced over me as if he knew that I never get the person that I truly want.

If only I could strangle this man...


Waeland's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about what Garret had done. What I had done. But I just couldn't tell Evan. And I couldn't let Garret tell the whole school either. It's not like I'm really hurting Evan though, right?

I'm just not telling him everything. It's not like I'm bullying him or saying mean things to him. It's all harmless, right?

At least, that's what I want to believe.

I heard a loud know on my door, snapping me out of my thoughts. Part of me didn't want to answer, though. I just wanted to retreat back to my head. But it's probably my dad telling me to stop hiding in my room and go do something productive like join a school play or another sport that I don't even want to play.

Sighing, I got on my feet and made my way to the door as the person on the other end was knocking relentlessly. When I opened the door, to my surprise, Samantha was on the other end.

"I didn't expect to see you here," I stated, clearly showing my surprise since she's been avoiding me lately.

"Why? I'm your best friend, it's not weird for me to just show up," She said as she rolled her eyes. I just rolled my eyes back at her and smiled.

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