Chapter 38

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 Evan's POV

As we approached the doors of the school, I felt like I was approaching the gates of hell. Just like I always felt. But for some reason, it felt worse. Almost like instead of demons just roaming around, they were waiting for something. For someone to come in so they could watch with their judge mental eyes and tear us apart.

Someone grabbed my hand, stopping me from taking another step forward. I glanced over at Waeland, seeing the worry clear as day on his face. I knew he was worried, even though he said he didn't care about his reputation any more, he still cares about being judged. Who can blame him? I know it's going to take more than a couple days to get over something like that. Somehow, I felt like this was my fault. If he hadn't met me, he would still be Mr. Popular, charming girls, being captain of the football team, having the respect of almost every student in the school.

And now, he's just waiting for the hammer to be slammed down on top of him.

I gave his hand a small squeeze, trying to calm him down a bit.

"It's okay, we don't have to go in if you're not ready, " I say, but I knew I had to go to school. I've been missing too many days and I skipped half of yesterday. But, if he wasn't ready, I won't make him go in.

"No," He started with a sigh. "I need to do this. Even if I really don't want to. It's something that has to be done eventually."

I agreed and nodded to show him that I did, waiting for him to take the next step into the school. He stepped forward and I followed. Waeland pushed open the doors that I will only ever imagine as gates until I leave.

At first, nobody noticed we had walked in, but as soon as the first person saw us, it seemed like everyone else did too. The hall became almost silent except for the few whispers shared among the students. I glanced over to Waeland to see that his face was emotionless, but in his eyes, he looked terrified.

"It's my favorite couple!" A familiar female voice rang as she ran through the crowd of hormonal teens and threw her arms around the both of us, making me double take in surprise. This is the first time I've seen Samantha in a while and she seemed happy. Very happy.

Waeland relaxed a little as he chuckled and wrapped his free arm around her. The silence in the hall stopped as some people laughed and others just continued on with their conversations as if nothing happened.

I visibly relaxed as I let out a sigh of relief, happy that no one mentally or physically attacked Waeland. For some reason, I felt protective over him.

"So..." Samantha said as she glanced down at our hands that were still intertwined together. "I assume you guys are a couple again?"

"Yes, we are, " Waeland said with a little bit of pride in his voice that made me look away from the both of them. Trying to hide the small blush that started to form on my cheeks.

"Evan, I'm so happy for you two! I thought you guys would never get back together! Please kiss for me, " The last part took me by surprise. Kiss? Here? In front of her? Hell no.

"No," I said bluntly.

"Why not? You didn't mind to kiss in front of half of the school yesterday when I just so happen to not be there," She said with a pout as Waeland rolled his eyes.

"That was a one-time thing, " Waeland said as Samantha continued to pout.

"Exactly, we could get in trouble for PD-"

The school bell rung, interrupting my sentence.

"We should head to class before we're too late," Waeland said as he started to pull me through the halls, still holding my hand.

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