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Dear Luke,

It has been a while sense I last wrote to you. For the past few days, nothing important has happened. I have been getting even more sad.

My dad took me out to dinner yesterday. We went to the pizza place we went too sometimes. My dad ordered my favorite pizza, and tried to cheer me up. It worked a little. Knowing someone still cares for me made me smile a bit.

But the dinner was awkward, little talk was made. He talked about his day, and tried to get me to talk about school, but again, nothing important has gone on.

School has been boring. We would have taken photography together this year, but because you left, I am alone.

Your friend is in my photography class though, he has been quieter than when you were here. It was like his personality has gone away, and was replaced with nothing.

I guess that has happened to everyone you have been close with though. Some people I know say that I am completely different this year, that I seem all depressed now.

But I guess they are kind if right.


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