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Dear Luke,

Today I started my job.

I walked in and I felt comfortable around the customers and the manager told me how to do things. I learned how to open the cash register, what to do in case of an emergency, and how to talk to the customers. I was also given an employee handbook and I have to read it.

When I started, it seemed easy. It was early in the morning so there were only customers there for breakfast. I looked over the menu and the manager pushed me towards my first customer.

He was an old man who's voice was raspy and slow. He told me he wanted tomato soup, something odd to order at 8 in the morning.

I wrote it down and the manager put it on this rack thing that was in a window between the diner and the kitchen.

By noon, I felt confident. I was kind of embarrassed with a few of my customers, but I loosened up a bit my the end.

When I was at lunch, the chef made me some fries, I wasn't that hungry, and Ashton visited me.

We sat at the diner and ate some food, just talking until lunch was over.

Ashton then left and picked me up after my shift. He took me home and stayed talking to my dad. I went to take a shower; I felt greasy from all the food.

After I took a shower Ashton, for the first time, spent the night at my house. We talked and watched movies all night. He also taught me things on guitar, which I was happy to learn.


Little Letters ≫l.h & a.iΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα