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Dear Luke,

I felt very sad today. I'm not sure why. I just thought of you more than normal. How it all happened, why it happened and where you are now.

I felt like my whole body couldn't function. I went to school, but by photography class, I felt nauseous.

Ashton told me to go home after a while of seeing how sick I looked, and I did exactly that.

When I got home I felt dizzy and made a run for the toilet. I threw up three times. I can't eat, I feel too hot to sleep and too cold to move.

My dad diagnosed me with a fever, and told me I am dehydrated which caused me to get dizzy and throw up.

He made me soup and grilled cheese, and the only thing I could think about is you for some reason.

After I ate, I was told to lay down and I did. And while trying to fall asleep, you passed through my mind and I realized why exactly I was thinking of you.

I remember when you were sick once, and it was bad. You were throwing up for a week straight. You missed a lot if school, and I went to all of your classes and got your homework every single day and brought it back when you finished it.

I remember going over to your house, not caring if I would get sick, and I would play games with you and make you happy.

I wonder if you thought about that at all.


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