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Dear Luke,

Your brothers are in town. I saw them today while coming home from school. They look different. More tired, more sad. They stopped me to say hello, and asked how I was doing. I just forced small talk and then got inside my house and hid from the cold.

From what I understood by the small talk though, was that they were coming to watch your mom for a while. They wanted to keep her company. It is good to see your brothers caring for your mother.

We supposed to get 5 feet of snow in the next couple of days. I think that is also one of the reasons your brothers are staying with your mother, to make sure she is safe.

School has been canceled for tomorrow, and little snowflakes started falling from the sky about a while ago. Not too bad though.

My birthday is in three days. I wonder if you would have remembered, and what you would do for me if you were here.

I remember when we were little, I can't exactly remember when; when I got a surprise birthday party at my house.

I remember your mom took us to the park, and we played tag with a bunch of other kids. Your brothers came too. My brother was too busy with his friends. It was cold, yet that didn't stop us. I ran in my big purple coat and I remember you had a little fight with your mom because you didn't want to wear a coat. But you ended up wearing it because your mother told you too.

I remember we came back to my house, your cheeks were red from the cold. Mine were too. We entered my house and the lights came on and my family popped out. I was surprised and excited.

You got me a handmade present that year, it went with the home made card. I can't remember what it was, but I remember playing with it.

I am now just sitting here, in my big chair in my bedroom. I have a movie playing, but I'm not paying much attention to it. I'm mainly thinking of you.


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