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Dear Luke,

Two years have pasted. I feel better now. But I still miss you like hell.

A lot has changed sense I last wrote to you. Your mother married her boyfriend, my dad married his girlfriend. Ashton doesn't get drunk much anymore, and we are still dating. I am graduating this spring, and you would be in college by now. I am planning on majoring in english. I realized I want to be a writer.

I visited you today, alone. Not with Ashton, not with my old friends. Alone.

It was snowing and and 20 degrees. I had my coat on and finally found you, your grave had some snow on it and I fell down crying. I spoke to you. I am not sure if you heard me, but I wanted you to know that I still visit, and I always will.

I left some flowers on your grave, and I also left my letters.

I am glad to have spent my life with you. I love you Luke Hemmings.


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