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Dear Luke,

Just when I think I am doing better, that I am finally moving on, it gets worse.

Somehow, that girl in photography believes she is right. That it is my fault, and everyone else's fault that you are gone.

She went up to Ashton and I as we worked on our project today and proceeded to finish what she started a while back.

I got angry again, yet the teacher stepped in this time and sent her to the office.

Maybe she is right. Maybe it is my fault. Maybe, if I was with you, you would still be here, with us.

I feel like my emotions are all out of control. I'm sometimes angry, and sometimes sad, and it is very rare any more to be happy because I can't exactly remember what happiness feels like.

But mainly, I have been sad.

I wonder if you would have been sad to see everyone around you upset. I wonder if you would comfort them by letting them cry with you, apologize and make up. I wonder.

The snow from a while ago is almost gone. I can see the tips of grass now.

Looking outside, I remembered when we were little, my dad picked us up from school, along with your brothers and my brother. It was snowing gently but we did have a snow day the day before, but the next day, there was more. We played in it all day and after, we went inside and watched movies while drinking hot chocolate.

Maybe if I was there to help you, you could be watching movies and drinking hot chocolate with me.


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