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Dear Luke,

Ashton took me out and it was really sweet. I won't tell you the details, but in the end we ended up ding dong ditching his neighbors. It was fun.

I talked to Ashton about the girl and he suggests I just tell the principle. I don't think it would work though. If he called her into his office she would know I tattled on her. I don't want to be a tattle tale either.

My dad took me out to dinner yesterday and we had a little bonding time. He has been so busy lately, I barely see him. But I am proud of him for coming this far in his career.

He told me he had good news, and he told me he is ready to start dating again.

My dad had been caught up in work so much, and on top of that, he still loves my mom. So to see him finally ready to move on, I am really glad to see him happy.

He told me there was a girl he had on his mind, it is a nurse from another hospital he met while at a meeting. He spared me the details, but from the things he told me she sounds very nice.

He told me I will meet her next week. Hopefully she likes me. I am kind of nervous of what she thinks.


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