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Dear Luke,

Today, at school, I saw Ashton laugh. And it was from something I said.

I haven't made a lot of people laugh. You would laugh at my attempt of jokes, but I made him laugh for no reason.

We were sitting at our desks, and I was bored, fiddling with my pencil, when suddenly it flung out of my hands and hit the teacher.

I made a few people laugh, that including Ashton. My face got red, and the teacher turned around and asked who did it.

When no one replied, he just narrowed his eyes at us and continued to write on the board.

I can't believe I made people laugh. It felt good. It felt different.

I saw your brothers leave today, they waved goodbye to my dad and I as they strolled down the driveway carrying their luggage.

My dad has been watching me carefully lately. On my way to the library, I saw him look at me a couple of times. I guess he was wondering if I was okay. I wouldn't blame him, its not like I have been wanting to talk to him lately.

I have a test in Science, my hardest class, next week.

I am still trying to get my grades up. My tutor, who met me at the library, was making me frustrated. She wasn't exactly the best tutor in the world. She made things seem ten times more complicated then it was.

I remember you tutored me in elementary school, when I had trouble with fractions. And after, we played with chalk outside.

I wish I could relive that moment again.


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