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Dear Luke,

Because of the fight everyone is looking at me now. My old "friends" avoid me at all costs, and some of the other sophomores and even some freshman are praising me because I punched a junior.

Ashton was really concerned about me after that. He keeps blaming himself, but I just told him it was my choice, and he can't change the past. He let it go after that.

I did charity work today after school. Only an hour of it. I can only do an hour a day, and I figured that I could do charity work over break too, to get it over with faster.

I am starting to feel more comfortable with your friends that are girls. They started asking more questions about myself, and invited me to a party next Friday. I wonder how it will be.

We are hanging out tomorrow at an ice cream parlor tomorrow. One of your friends, I think his name is Michael, works there and we are going to visit him.

Ashton and I are almost done with our project. It is due at the end of the year, and we still have less than a month until school ends.

We are off on Spring Break now. All of next week we are off. Which is nice.That means summer is almost here, and Ashton will be graduating.

It sucks, but it happens. It isn't like I am never going to see him again. He is going to community college. He will still be living at home and not in a dorm, he claims dorms are a stupid idea that forces people to make friends. I kind of agree.

Ashton is meeting me at your quiet place tomorrow. He told me that we weren't done with the photo shoot, but I honestly I thought we were done.

I have a busy day tomorrow, but it feels nice to have real friends.


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