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Dear Luke,

I took my science test yesterday. I felt so relieved when it was over. I felt good about it, but then I realized that every time I feel good about a test, I do bad. This made me kind of upset and I had to take a few deep breaths to make myself feel calm.

All of my friends were looking at me weird today. Like I did something wrong. Maybe it was because I was sitting alone at lunch now. Or maybe because I am tired.

The project in photography is doing well. Ashton and I got some really great shots of the melting snow outside. The photos we are working with have to symbolize sadness, and I think we are doing good so far. Mainly because we understand what sadness really is.

The sky was cloudy today, and it was windy too. I wondered if it was going to snow again, but it isn't supposed too. But as I was on the bus, and walking home from school I asked myself; what exactly am I doing? What do I want to do in the future?

I remember when I was in 6th grade, I had to write a story for English and I showed you mine. And you loved it, and you told me that I should write more often. You thought My writing was more advanced than a 6th grade level.

Sense then I have been writing stories, but I stopped when you left. I'm not sure if I will ever do it again, or if I am good or not, but maybe I could try once more.


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