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Dear Luke,

Today Ashton asked if I wanted to hang out with him and your friends.

I know that you always wanted me to hang out with them, but I am kind if afraid too. I am afraid they would ask about you. And ask how I feel about you. I just told Ashton 'I don't know' and that that I would text him later.

He asked me this when we were in the dark room in photography.

The dark room was nice. It was quiet, and you can think in there. Ashton and I barely talk in the dark room. That is why I found it surprising that he asked me there.

Yesterday I went to the therapist. She asked me a lot of questions, and then she brought up you. She asked me if I miss you.

I would be lying if I said no, so I said yes. She just nodded and wrote something down, then asked me more things about you.

It is not like she doesn't know. Everyone knows. She was your therapist too. She knows. But I didn't think you would be associated with my nightmares.

Maybe she asked me it not as a question associated with my nightmares. Maybe she was just wondering.


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