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Dear Luke,

My tutor gave me a day off because it is Saturday, thank god. My brain feels like it is about to explode because of all the knowledge.

Ashton told me I needed a break today, so he picked me up and we watched movies all night. It was nice. I liked it.

I met his little sister and I love her, she is so sweet. She kept playing with my hair and calling me pretty, I braided her hair and played with her barbies with her. She is so cute.

I also met Ashton's mom. I don't know if she liked me or not, I hope she does. Apparently Ashton has mentioned me once or twice, so his good words made her like me more.

We were watching movies and I started talking about how weird it was that the girl stopped picking on me. Ashton then told me that he told the principle. The principle made her have detention every day after school for the rest of the year.

I got really happy afterwards. No one has really done that for me. I mean, you did something similar to that boy that was picking on me in middle school.

Do you remember that? I remember you threatened to beat him up and I didn't think you would, but you did. Your mom was so pissed at you, and I ended up crying because I felt really bad.

I would do that for you too, I hope you know that. Just because I don't talk much about missing you anymore I hope you still know I love you. And I will never forget you.


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