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Dear Luke,

Ashton has been begging for me to let him back. I broke up with him last week, seeing that the parties and the drinking will only get worse over time.

But my friend today told me that Ashton has stopped going to parties and stopped drinking. He gave it up for me, and today he showed up at my doorstep with flowers and asked if I would let him in, so we could talk and before I could shut the door he put his foot between it, and I just let him in.

My dad was gone, and no one was home except for me.

Ashton told me that he didn't mean to take my innocence away, and he told me that if I gave him another chance, he will be a better boyfriend.

The way he was pleading made me feel bad, and we are now together again.

Ashton treated me like a princess for the rest of the night. He went and got me food, and we sat at the park and ate at midnight there.


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