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It was an hour later when Hobi and Jimin had finished preparing lunch and already packed it. They made the fried kimchi rice in two different containers that's for Taehyung and Jungkook specially but don't worry they made for the others too that's if they wanted to, to add up to it were the drinks that included coke and banana milk shake "why that flavor?" Hobi asked kinda of confused "because it's his favorite" Jimin replied packing two of them "such a baby" he mumbled "thank you aunt" Jimin thanked the maid who was helping them from the start "aigooo no need for that you made everything ready I only helped you to show where the materials were, you two are very talented the boys are lucky to have you" she cooed making the two smile.

The two were excited to meet the love of their lives sooner and after getting each other ready where Jimin wore tight blue jeans and a buggy sweater leaving his hair dangle to his face carefree he really tried to deck up for a certain someone, they decided to head out but suddenly Hobi got a call they both stopped in their trucks as Hobi looked for his phone in the pockets and answered after a few minutes of talking to what supposed to be his parents he looked at Jimin with a sad pout "what's wrong?" Jimin asked placing the bags into the car and looking at Hobi "sorry Chim Chim my mom called she needs me home asap, aishhh am sure this is one of her tricks to get me back home since I didn't show up" he stomped his feet angrily making Jimin chuckle "let me hope everything is ok and nothing serious right?" he asked and Hobi assured him there was nothing to worry about "ok Chim bye and see you later ok" they hugged a few seconds and a red car pulled off beside them seems Hobi's driver was already here "bye" Jimin waved and the car disappeared out of the mansion.

"Let's go?" the driver or guard as Jimin assumed called him "you're going with me?" Jimin thought he was going to go alone to the company and that he didn't need anyone tailing him "the boss gave clear orders to protect you let alone going anywhere alone" the guard said sternly and Jimin fell speechless "ok..?" he said doubtly but never the less sat in the car "beside I don't know where the company is I was once there but forgot I guess" he mumbled shrugging off and sitting quietly and the driver took them.





20minutes later and they were here facing the largest sky scrapper in the whole of seoul "magnificent" he admired "no wander he's feared how can one person manage this entire building all by himself, my Kookie is really something else" oh how lucky he felt to have that man beside him "sir this way" the body guard urged but Jimin stopped him "since we are already here I can take it from here" he took the four bags and carefully carried them "at least let me help you carry those boss will kill me if he knows I wasn't beside you but at least I can help" he reasoned and Jimin sighed "ok fine I'll meet you there let me look around abit" the guard nodded and immediately headed into the building as Jimin took his time it was 15mins to lunch time might as well take his time.

As Jimin was about to take a step into the company's big doors but he was stopped by the guards who held him back "uhmm excuse me sir who are you do you have an appointment?" they asked with stern voices and looked at him with a bitch face "uhmm I..." Jimin was lost of words was it ok to introduce himself as Jungkook's boyfriend or not "am Jimin" he simply said and the guards eyed him "Jimin whoever you are you don't look like you have enough to get in here" they snickered thinking Jimin was some kind of a beggar "but he's pretty though" one whispered and they laughed out loud Jimin trying not to loose his cool suddenly he was getting nervous now he wished he would have come with the guard earlier. As he was still contemplating a woman's voice interrupted him "Let him in I know him" it was Lisa and Jimin was already getting bad vibes from her.

HIS ALPHA LOVER_JIKOOKOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora