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"Jungkook.." already Jimin was getting teary as he dropped his bag down he never knew he could miss the older much "baby..." Jungkook right away went to him pulling him in a hug "you didn't...pick up your calls.....I thought something.... happened.." and now he was sobbing as he clutched onto Jungkook even tighter the rest watching with sad eyes "shss don't cry...am sorry I disappeared off like that" he apologized kissing his forehead a number of times.

A few minutes later Jimin now on his lap calmed down as he told him everything "I will be away for a week, " he announced right away looking at Jimin as if asking for his permission "father is sick he must feel lonely right, and he needs his family now" he pout sadly but he understands the older he felt bad for what happened to his father "Jimin I wish I could take you with me" "no it's okay I will be waiting for you okay?" He asked hoping Jungkook would keep the promise "ofcourse baby anything for my lovely baby boy" he earned a blush "I'll spend the night with you I'll just finish up work with hyungs" "I'll wait for you" Jimin said walking to the couch and taking a seat the other getting serious with bussiness of the company not minding Jimin that he was there they trust him.

After an hour of discussing who will be in charge and the pending works it was done, Jin and Taehyung will handle things here, Jungkook and Kai will go back to Russia for a week unfortunately they can't move him back to Korea his condition was critical "ok guys that's it let's meet in a week" Jungkook said getting up the four of them falling in a hug they've always been eachother's this is also a test but they will come through it.

Jungkook walked back to Jimin only to find he dosed off "he is so cute when he sleeps" Jungkook said out loud "hyung will I really survive without seeing his cute face for a week?" He asked Jin sadly as he walked and sat near to Jimin kissing him forehead "I don't know about that Jungkook but guess you two should be strong for this one" he nodded and took Jimin into his arms who stirred "let's go home baby" he pecked his lips as Jimin smiled while nodding and all walked out.




That night they were cuddled up in the bed, Jungkook in nothing but shorts and Jimin too and a baggy shirt which Jungkook wanted to so much discard it, it was interfering with his comfort. Jungkook had lay his head on Jimin's bare tummy and hands wrapped around his waist tightly not sure why he did that but felt like it while Jimin on the other had his small fingers tangled into his long hair humming a soft tune which Jungkook listened to it actually happens to be both of the two's favourite.

At the corner of the room could be seen two black bags already packed he was going earlier so he had to be ready sooner, "when are you going?" Jimin lowly asked "very early that you won't even know when I left" he honestly said as Jimin sighed guess he had to be ready as early as now one week was going to be hectic he can feel it "you will do just fine" Jungkook kissed his belly button as Jimin only pouted "will you be fine?" he asked while Jungkook only chuckled "don't worry about me knowing your doing ok am ok too" he gave him his bunny smile.

"you aren't smiling...hmm I'll make you" Jungkook warned as Jimin gave him a confused look only to feel Jungkook tickling him down and trying to bite his neck playfully the combo made him burst out loud. "no....haha Jungkook stop" he screamed trying to get out his grasp but who was he kidding, he was on the verge of crying since he was being mercilessly being trickled down "ha ha i surrender" he gave up "yay I made you smile" he chuckled as he let Jimin breath and set himself back on his warm tummy "I'll miss you I'll miss this" Jungkook said as Jimin agreed with him "I'll miss you, so much I want you to take care" Jimin replied back saying this now was the best because he won't see him tomorrow even when he leaves in the morning the older always disappeared like wind "let's sleep ok" Jungkook suggested as Jimin nodded back honestly he didn't want to close his eyes just to watch Jungkook's sleeping face would be better but he can't do that can he not when Jungkook keeps on lullying him back to sleep "good night baby"...




It was already morning the sun shining so bright but someone still didn't wake up "wakey sleepy head" Taehyung's deep voice said as he burged into the room like a maniac "huh" that made Jimin shoot up from his sleep and look around with wide eyes, and messy hair "you look so handsome" Taehyung mocked taking a picture and sending it to someone right away "he will love it" he smiled to himself and placing his phone back "now let's get you refreshed you don't want to be late do you" Jimin was still looking around for someone but to his dismay no one was there "sorry Chim he already left" Tae reminded and Jimin nodded "I know" and with that he went to get ready like the usual Taehyung promising he's driving him to his work place.



"did he reach?" Jin immediately asked as Taehyung nodded walking into his office and taking a seat to start work "I took him myself, he does lack that sparkle but I promised to be there for him in anything I'll keep him safe and accompanied" Jin nodded with a smile atleast he was doing fine that's good "we have lots to do I'll see you later" Taehyung nodded and Jin walked out to his own office they have a long day.




Jimin back at work, had did more new things pretty not much different from what he knew but he was learning a lot of things that's for sure and he was looking forward to being better this is his dream come true he will make it happen. The day wasn't that bad, everyone like the usual was very friendly a few trying to talk to him the two foreigners every now and then showing up with no reason in particular and he thought it was very funny but deep down he was missing someone greatly he can't believe he will have to get used to this maybe he needs to keep his mind off him and busy "yes, I will do exactly that" he told himself looking at the mirror when he saw big red bouquet of flowers behind his back the mirror "oh my God...you scared me" he almost jumped back, he thought he was alone here, it was Miss Alice with flowers on her "Mr Jimin this is yours" she simply said as Jimin thought on who would give him flowers his soul feeling sorry for who was trying to make a move on him because Jungkook might kill them "thank you" he smiled politely and took the roses, Miss Alice turning back to walk out "oh...and I like your self motivation" she meant the way Jimin was talking to himself in the mirror, he went red in embarrassment.

The roses were pretty he saw a note and read it "Happy Valentine baby boy I have a surprise meal for you, Jk" it read instantly his face brightening up and quickly walked out thankful no one bothered him with questions about the roses, Just when he reached the car the driver handed him a box of chocolates with a bow and another small note beside as he sat in the car "Your more sweet than the chocolate baby" this made Jimin to laugh out loud what was Jungkook thinking.

A few more 20minutes and they parked in front of a beautiful garden since it was evening the whole place was sparkling with the lights and decorated with red roses everywhere it looked beautiful. Jimin walked to the empty table with his rose and chocolate a waiter immediately attending to him by pulling a chair for him "thank you" he said as he took a seat facing a very big teddy bear it looked so cute he loved it.

Another two waiters came with drinks and food and placed it In front of him no one saying a thing, it was mouth watering. His driver came in with a pad and made it stand on the table facing him immediately being faced with Jungkook who was looking already dashing in his pull neck shirt hugging him like a second skin "happy Valentine baby" he sang as Jimin smiled "thank you happy valentine too"

"do you like my surprise?" Jungkook asked

"like? I love it when did you do all this?" Jimin was impressed "am always ready to make my baby happy" he simply said as Jimin blushed "if I knew I would change into something good" he said as he tasted the whine it was really good "baby you know I would prefer you better with nothing on right?" and here he was flirting again "stop" Jimin blushed more as he made himself busy with that amazing steak "God you look so cute"

They kept on talking more until when Jimin was done he honestly loved the whole thing he was happy even though Jungkook was not here he manged to make him feel his presence.

Jungkook switched off his phone and looked up to his father who had his eyes closed looking lifeless "wake up soon old man you still have to witness my wedding and play with the pups" he smiled and held his hand warmly "wake up soon" he repeated.......





This chap was written on valentine actually 😘😘

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