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That early morning Jungkook woke up with a weird headache going on with him it was like he had a hangover or something, he knew it was none of that basically remembers what happened at the last minute before he fell unconscious but wait a minute! He looked around himself "what am I doing here?" realisation hit him that he let his wolf take over and he might be the one who brought them back, he smiled a bit so oblivious of the sudden bubbly he was feeling good from his wolf, their emotions kinda crush together so the bubbly feeling was definitely from his wolf because himself was in a state of stress for sure but regardless he moves. Without wasting anymore time he went to refresh so he could be ready for the new drama today after all he has been getting used to waking up to drama for sure.



That same early morning Jimin could be seen standing in front of the mirror looking at nothing specific but that one scar on his neck he's seen it a lot of times but he's not sure if he will ever get used to seeing it he was already dressed and the bandage was the last thing he was going to put to his neck he got a colour that matches his skin so basically there was no sign of a bandage you could tell it was just his skin but he knows what was under the bandage.

He was smartly-dressed his hair completely changed to a bow cut, kinda cute, he was stepping forward with his life and career he wasn't going to look back and that includes his body and the way he looks maybe at some point someone really boosted his body confidence and of course it's none other than the person who actually broke his heart but that's not the time to think about that. Today it was when everything was resuming he was going to go back to his work and this morning he is going to school the projects of his career with starting today after school so he was pretty packed up today, his Hyung was waiting for him outside beside the car he knows it "I can do this" he breathed as he calmed himself surprisingly he wasn't a nervous wreck like he usually was afraid to go to school and being seen by judging people but rather he paid no head to that, holding an expressionless face he walked out in his black boots and a leather jacket looking cute yet sexy.



On reaching the campus grounds, Jimin got out of the car with Agust'D helping him out ofcourse. When Jimin got out he was engulfed by the older in a warm hug, Agust'D hadn't realized how much he was being overprotective over the younger since forever it's just now he felt to protect him even more than his life, Jimin hugged back as Agust'D looked at him and fixing his hair abit "you look cute" that earned him red cheeks "hyunggg" Jimin whined but smiled abit "take care" Jimin nodded before they broke the hug and Jimin walked away mumbling "this is it!"

Not a surprise for him, immediately he was greeted by students flashing their cameras towards him and mumbling here and there wherever he passed everyone knew him now but that didn't falter him, he agreed to this path and so he walked off with a stoic expression, where he passed they cleared his way like a prince actually do, the girls were squeaking and shouting his name others jealous thinking they were too pretty for him while the boys definitely checked him out but that wasn't enough to change his mind as he kept his gaze staright forward that's until when .....

"Hey Minnie!" So loud for his sensitive ears "urghh" he groaned as he looked to the opposite side very well known to the human hoarse beside him "hey Chim?" He called again with his bubbly voice skipping around like a happy kid but Jimin just ignored him, well...

"Chim..." The voice this time was a bit low as Jimin felt the other wasn't following him which made him stop in his tracks too and look behind because he can't ignore that hurt voice "what?" Jimin asked boredly very much aware why he was giving him that attitude and Hobi knew why he deserved the treatment "I...look am sorry Jimin for the days I was almost playing dead, I didn't reach out to you and let alone talk am so sorry..." He almost sobbed as he sniffed they still stood in the hallways the students passing by then with side glances before walking away "I...won't do it again please don't ignore me" finally he was sobbing and that was enough to break Jimin's fragile heart not that he was planning on ignoring him forever he was just punishing him for a moment which ofcourse failed.

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