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"Give me all the data about the shooting at the great show my father had attended" Jungkook ordered as him and Kai and his men were in the computer room getting the security to work their cameras back at how the scene happened but at a gun point Jungkook wasn't the patient one "am giving you a minute to replay everything" he ordered as he played with his gun like he didn't remove the safety off. The trembling men went to work and replayed the scene it wasn't even long when Jungkook already noticed the suspect "bingo" he turned to Kai who already had everything analyzed to his own pad "location xxx" Jungkook placed his gun in the waist band of his black suit pants "let's get that mother fucker" is the only thing he said before they all stomped out nothing was going to stop Jungkook from from spilling blood heck no!!


It was early in the morning as everyone in the Jeon mansion was preparing for work, you might be thinking why Jin and Taehyung work at the Jeon enterprises yet they were models, well they knew how to do both and if needed in emergency situations like this they would be available for it, modeling was just part to cover up their mafia bussiness atleast they should look to be living descent. Jin was the first to head out early while Taehyung just as promised dropped Jimin off work walking him up to the door then walking out to head to his own work, the morning was very much normal that was good right.

Jimin was walking along the hallway an album in his hand trying to see the latest designs he was told to choose they were all very nice he didn't even know what to take exactly he was so focused to the pictures that he actually didn't realise something or rather someone was keeping a watch on him the entire time it's as if he felt it and turn back to see if he missed out anything it was weird nothing was there it was completely empty "I thought I had someone" he mumble to himself then turned back only to hit a hard chest in front of him "ouch...sorry" he apologized "it's okay baby boy" that voice made his head snap back up abruptly his eyes widening in the process and moving back in shock "u..uncle" he mumbled lowly looking so scared to meet the man so soon he wasn't ready to see him yet atleast not now that Jungkook wasn't here "I missed you baby" he smiled waking closer to Jimin who backed away but hit the wall the album photo already forgotten on the floor "my boy looks more pretty, I guess we will be meeting more often" he smiled then turned to walk away leaving Jimin still process the whole thing "sir are you ok?" it's when he heard his bodyguard call him that he snapped back to reality "did something happen?" he asked again gathering up the discarded photos which Jimin held back and shook his head "am ..okay" he replied then walked away like nothing happened he didn't want to believe it yet.


Agust'D was just from running his daily errands as he wiped off his bloody hands guess another bite the dust, he washed his hands off and took his phones and check if he had any new messages from someone and true it was "morning hyung" he read out loud with a smile behind his mask it was just simple but it meant a lot. He looked through the previous messages as he chuckled even through texts Jimin was always whinny and clingy but he wasn't complaining at least rereading made his mind feel at ease Jimin always texting him letting him know he was ok he was glad.

As he sat in his own personal office someone burged in as usual "jeez how many times do I have to fucking remind you to always knock before burging in here like a complete idiot" Agust'D scolded as Jay bow apologetically or maybe not either way he had a reason to bring him here "I found out something" he started "finally your being useful" Jay scoffed but got to bussiness nevertheless.

"I heard Mr.Lee talk about Jeon leaving the country and that he can finally do what he had planned all this time" "huh???" Is all Agust'D could say with a confused expression what was this guy saying "you mean Jeon Jungkook isn't in the country?" He asked "exactly and that he was the reason behind it like it was planned or something" he shrugged to the last part that made Agust'D shoot up quickly "what!!" that only meant big trouble, now what did Lee do to the Jeons he has no idea but he knew something else 'he will be going after Jimin now that Jungkook isn't near to prevent him I should have seen it coming' he thought to himself and going back to check the messages Jimin sent him the good morning text was for yesterday morning "the heck" now he figured something was not going right "I have to be alert and on guard" he mumbled to himself walking out leaving Jay look at him confused "was that more useful?" he felt proud "guess I'll get powder as a reward" he celebrated.

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