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"mmmh" Jimin groaned the first thing he did when he woke up, he lazily opened his eyes they were still drowsy, trying again he was able to clearly see where he was ofcourse on top of Jungkook's chest in nothing but skin "huh" his mind ran back to what they did last night making him red faced he can't believe he was so demanding to that extent. When he tried to move he felt something deep in him from behind and looking back he realized Jungkook was still inside him and that too hard this even made him go beet red than he could get, he gathered up all his energy and tried to pull out it wasn't easy because the more he did he felt something else gripping his guts from inside "mmhh" and touching that spot unintentionally, with a few more tries he was finally free, he felt his body all numb and unable to function, he covered Jungkook with the sheets he must have got more tired than he was because he travelled all the way. He kissed his forehead and went to the bathroom to refresh.

In front of the mirror he could see what his body had turned to, a lot of hickeys to his abdomen and inner thighs and what was that to his neck it hurt when he touched it his mind was fuzzy to even remember what happened so he ought to just refresh no questions asked.

When Jimin came out of the bathroom he found Jungkook had already woke and left their bedroom, he wore his jeans and Jungkook's shirt which he was so addicted to, their room was a mess and it would be embarrassing if the maid was the one cleaning it, so he remade the bed with new sheets gathered all the dirty clothes and something dropped out of Jungkook's bag beside the table picking it up he couldn't help than see those words yet again,





these words even hit harder than the first time he read this time it wasn't coming from his uncle but from someone he really hoped not to, weak in the knees he decided to take a sit and he wanted to read more might as well as read every little detail now than never.

A few minutes had passed and Jimin just blankly stared at the wall the papers in hand tightly clutched he doesn't know if he's feeling angry, sad, or betrayed it looked more than that, he's confused does it mean his uncle was right and Jungkook was a liar.

Just then Jungkook walked into the room "Baby....." he called, was that also fake "you ok?" Jungkook asked as he sat near Jimin and pecked his cheek but Jimin didn't do anything he just sat there feeling so stupid and lied to "Jungkook?" he called almost so coldly and Jungkook could tell the difference "what happened baby?" he asked calmly as he gave him all his attention this was making Jimin weak how was this all fake.

"this.." Jimin sniffed as he showed Jungkook the papers and Jungkook needn't a sec to think what it was all about he knew exactly what it was "fuck" he said under his breath "baby ...please I can explain" Jungkook stood up to the same level as Jimin as the both were up now, Jimin felt so small to that broad naked chest of Jungkook but he shook off the thoughts and looked hard to Jungkook

"explain" he demanded and Jungkook tried to say something but he couldn't say it loud no matter how he wanted and Jimin could see the hesitation already was it really true?

"how could you?" is all Jimin could say brokenly with a low voice as he looked down "you lied to me too how could you I trusted you.....when.....did...you stop......how..." Jimin couldn't even say it all as he sobbed hard as two sentences kept on ringing in his mind

'uncle is right'

'Jungkook lied to me'

he felt betrayed and worse by the person he thought wouldn't do so, "c'mon Jimin your way past that" Suddenly Jungkook's voice brought his senses up "w..what?" he asked "you know from the beginning that your uncle was literally trading you, as an exchange don't act like you don't know" ouch!!! that stabbed real had than he could grasp it, Jungkook.....of all people how could he say that..... now that broken him completely, Jungkook thought of him like that like the others did, a slut to be whoring around "I... did...not.." he tried to say it but his sobbed choked in his words "this isn't new you've been doing this for God's sake" Jungkook's voice was louder now that it made him flinch back, he shook his head in no because he couldn't speak what he wanted, now that he looks at Jungkook he could see it, the eyes that everyone gave him, the business partners to his uncle who only wanted to use him and so does Jungkook was Jungkook using him, this whole thing was so unbearable but he wanted to know something just one thing "Jungkook....do ...you really love me?" he managed to ask amidst sobs as he sniffed, but Jungkook went silent he wasn't saying anything and he knew what that silence meant it brought him that ugly feeling to his stomache "you..." he wanted to say it but couldn't now that what he had the previous day wanted to so much go out "urgh..." he held his mouth tight and ran to the bathroom almost tripping on his way "Jimin" Jungkook called out worriedly as he ran after him finding Jimin kneeling on the floor and throwing it all to the bowl "hey...easy" he called as he sat beside him and pat his back comfortingly "don't....urrgh" and another one came to the bowl "touch me...." he tried to fight off Jungkook's strong hands that didn't budge "calm the fuck down your not ok" Jungkook more like ordered as Jimin stopped struggling and continued to throw up.

when he felt he was done Jungkook helped him up and walked him to the sink as he helped him rinse up, Jimin silently sobbing as he washed his face and a minute passed he turned back and pushed Jungkook off him surprising the other almost staggering back "don't.... touch me....I don't want... to be here" he tried to drag himself out but before he could get to that door Jungkook held his arm "oh no you don't, the contract says a week more" was Jungkook really telling him that now he can't believe it "I..don't want to..anymore..." he screamed trying to pull out his hand and fighting Jungkook off him breaking a vase in the process "you don't get to decide you listen to me!" Jungkook shouted back.

"let.me.go" Jimin was still fighting really Jungkook could only sigh, Jimin was still struggling but his moves went sloppy he was slowly letting go he was staggering back before completely letting go and falling down to the floor but Jungkook was quick to catch him by the waist "I...hate you" was the last thing Jimin mumbled before going limp in Jungkook's arms "Jimin....baby....what's wrong" Jungkook called as he pat his cheek but Jimin wouldn't respond and his face was pale too, he carried him bridal style back to their bed and quickly took his phone and called his personal doctor "please be quick" with that said he turned to Jimin and held his cold hand bringing it to his lips warming him up "you weren't supposed to find out like this" he mumbled as he stared at him he couldn't even say more after that fight they had a few more minutes earlier.

A knock was heard from outside and Jungkook allowed him to enter it was Jin "oh my Goodness what In the heavens happened here?" he asked with a gasp, broken glasses, a messed bed and clothes, papers every where "he found out" Jungkook blankly said as he kissed his knuckles yet again not saying much this didn't even surprise Jin "It was meant to happen sooner or later" he added with a sigh "what happened to him?" Jin asked as he checked his temperature he was burning up "he passed out I called the doctor" Jungkook explained "actually it's bad" Jin told Jungkook who gave him worried eyes but the doctor had also just reached to the door so they stopped their conversation.


"how is he doc?" Jungkook asked as the doctor himself was packing up his stuff "he is just tired and stressed, make sure you feed him also he needs it" the doc simply said and the two nodded Jin escorted the doc out while Jungkook turned to Jimin giving him a forehead kiss "am sorry" is all he could say before leaving out the room closing the door behind him.



"what happened?" Jungkook asked as Kai came in with the tab looking like he was loosing it too "this Matteo guy is going far he destroyed our three go down in flames" Jungkook gripped his hair in frustration "Mr Lee is destroying our stock market too" he added with an angry face "also..." he hestated "what else" Jungkook asked impatiently "we lost our few men from the recent attack" he sighed, everything was getting messed up right Infront of his eyes and all of them his enemy's doing , and then there was Jimin he was stressing him out too, how did it come to this.




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