Chapter 8: Prepare for the Sports Festival (Season 2 Beginning)

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Hinata and Maya walk back to their home, thinking about the USJ, after their ice cream hangout with their old friends.

Hinata: I can't believe I took hits from that thing and broke my bones.

Maya: Well, at least you're all better now.

Hinata: Yeah. But I can't believe I nearly died to save my worst enemy.
Maya: Yeah, but I can control myself now in my Pure Elemental!
Hinata: What?! How?!

Maya: I guess when I saw you hurt, my emotions went from conflicting with my mind, to being channeled to trying to get back at the monster and protect you.

Hinata: So, we got to find a way to channel the emotions we have into a cause for ourselves?  Kind of seems like-

Haru and Asami: ARE YOU TWO OK?!

Hinata and Maya: Yes, mom and dad.

Haru: Shoto told me everything. You fought up against a Nomu like in the 39th raid?!
Hinata: Technically, I tried to save my sister and my worst enemy.
Asami: Ok, but what on earth were you thinking?!

Hinata: I couldn't just let them die. Even if that guy bullied me and my friends, I couldn't live with myself if he died when I could have saved him. I'm sorry if I hurt you, but I don't want to leave any people who were in danger, behind, not when I can save them.

Haru felt conflicted. He knew his children were above a lot of pros in skill and strength, but he still felt hurt whenever they got injuries, since he cared for his children a lot.

Haru: Ok. I guess I can forgive you for that. But you will have to do something about your skills. Fighting ones. This is for when you're out of fire and you can't use fire against an enemy. So, your mother will teach you Muay Thai. She learned this in case her quirk was on empty and air wasn't enough to beat a villain.

Asami: Actually, I was taught by my mother when I was a pre-teen. So I can teach you some fighting techniques. After dinner, you'll learn some in order to make sure you can stand a fighting chance without your quirk, and even do combinations with it. Kha? (Ok?)

Hinata: *in Thai* Khrab, Mae. (Yes mom.)
Maya: *in Thai* Kha, Mae. (Yes mom.)

Soon, the next day happened and Maya was tired while Hinata was taking a nap.
Mina: What's with Hinata?
Maya: We learned a Thai Martial Art called Muay Thai, from mom.
Hinata:'s Thai Boxing, which my mom learned from her moommm....

Hinata fell asleep as Iida runs up to the classroom podium and tries to say something.

Hinata fell asleep as Iida runs up to the classroom podium and tries to say something

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Iida: Homeroom is about to begin! Please stop talking and take your seats!

Hinata:.......ironic coming from the one guy who's not seatedddd.....

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