Chapter 3

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"'re amazing." She said, rolling over and laying partially on the woman she'd just met a few hours ago.

"Ahh...thanks." Olga said, scooting out from under the dark-haired woman. She wasn't one to talk or to cuddle after sex. Never. Especially with someone like her.

"Where are you going?" She rise up and let the sheet fall from her chest as she lazily smiled at the woman.

"I'm going to call you a taxi, and then I'll see you out." Olga said, quickly grabbing her shirt to cover her body before picking up the clothes strewn all over the room and throwing the woman's garments at her before calling a taxi.

"But I want to cuddle." She said, leaning back on her arms, trying to entice her by pushing her breasts upward.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not the cuddling type." Olga said, quickly throwing on a pair of leggings. "I told you earlier this would be nothing more than one night of sex." She said, waiting on the woman to get up. "You really need to leave..." She tried to remember her name.


"Right, sorry. Riza. You need to leave." She turned her face and gagged. She couldn't believe she would sleep with someone with a name like Riza. She was hot, damn it! Why did she have to get drunk and pick women up at the bar? Especially when they looked like her. All she could do was hope her friends didn't see her leave with the woman because she will never hear the end of this one.

"You said a night of sex, so let's rest and we can go again?"

"No. Sorry, I'm too tired."

"But I'm tired too." She tried. She really wanted to stay with the brunette longer. "And I live an hour away from here. Can't I just crash with you and then maybe I'll take you out to breakfast before we part in the morning?"

"Uhh.... No, I don't eat breakfast." She lied, walking through the loft of her apartment.

"Everyone eats breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day."

"No, everyone doesn't. If they did, health analysts wouldn't preach that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Now seriously, you need to get dressed and leave. I have to be at work in..." She looked at the clock on her wall. "Three o'clock, fuck." She groaned to herself. There was no way they had been at it for three hours. "Shit, in two hours. So, please. You need to leave. Now." Damn, she could always pick them.

"Okay." Riza gave in and quickly put on her clothes. "Maybe we could do this again sometime?" She whispered, walking up to the brunette that was waiting for her to descend the stairs to leave her space.

"Maybe not." Olga followed her down the stairs.

"You were really great."


"You know, usually I get more back than a thanks." She smiled at the brunette. "Something along the lines of.... You were great, too." She said, pulling the woman's shirt to make her come closer.

"Uhh...." Olga dodged her and looked down the street. Seeing the busy hospital across the way, she groaned silently to herself. She knew she was in for a very long workday. "Yeah, ummm. Thanks." She said, not wanting to carry on further as Riza stepped out onto the sidewalk.

The brunette was already ashamed as she fell into bed like this yet again, but when women and alcohol mixed, she couldn't see clearly. "I had fun." She said, slamming the door in her face before running upstairs to take a quick shower and wash the smell of the woman off of her.

She hated to be rude to one night stands, but most wanted to stay and cuddle, and she just wasn't one for that. Cuddling often led to attachment, and that was the last thing she needed, some woman calling and aggravating her every second of her life. No, that was not for her. Olga loved her life, she wasn't a relationship type person. She didn't like to be tied down to anyone, much less have every second of her life accounted for from anyone other than herself.

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