Chapter 6

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Leona felt uncomfortable when she first entered Olga's apartment tonight. When she left the hospital she had every intention of going home, it was just like every other time, but she finally had enough gumption to leave and by the time she was well on her way, something would always click in her head and she would turn right back around and go home. This time though, when she stepped out into the rainy Batangas night, something had changed. Something within her felt different, she couldn't put her finger on it, but something had happened. She finally felt like enough was enough, but that didn't stop her from being scared. Scared for when Carlos realized she wasn't coming back. DId he even care if she was returning?

Scared that he's find out somehow she had come to Batangas and was staying with Olga. She didn't know what she'd do if he tried to do something to the brunette. She couldn't imagine causing problems for her, but she was afraid it just might happen, if he found out. It seemed to be a risk the doctor was willing to take though. Leona had a hundred questions running through her mind as she glanced over and saw the brunette lying asleep in her bed. Olga seemed to know what she was doing, had she done this before? Had she helped other women by bringing them home?

While Leona was deep in thought, across the room Olga had woken up with a crack of lightning in the sky and a rumble in her stomach. She was hungry when she left work, but quickly pushed it aside when she found Leona on the street so distraught. She had been trying to fall back asleep because she didn't want to scare or wake up the woman sleeping on her couch by rummaging through her cabinets. She tossed and turned until the brunette knew there was no getting back to sleep until she grabbed a quick bite of food. Sitting up in the bed she saw the shadow of the dark haired woman sitting by her bay window looking out into the street.

"Hey," she whispered as she got up then walked closer to the window.

"Hi," Leona had heard the woman climb out of bed a few moments ago. "I didn't wake you, did I?" She looked over towards her.

"No.. no, you're fine. I couldn't really sleep, too tired I guess," she shrugged, running her fingers through her bed head. "You?"

"I'm tired, but I just can't shut my brain off," she shrugged, looking back outside and watched the rain fall in the Batangas skyline as her mind wondered.

"What are you thinking about?" Olga asked, keeping a distance from Leona as she looked outside.

"Everything. Carlos... the kids," she whispered.

"Are they okay? Should we go get them?"

"No, no," Leona insisted. "If I would have taken them I would have been in jail quicker than you can say handcuffs," she shook her head. "They wouldn't want to come with me anyway."

"Oh," the brunette paused. "But are they okay? He wont hurt them, right? We can call the cops if..."

"No, Olga," she reiterated. "They are fine. He may hurt me sometimes, but he has never touched one of those babies." She said, thankfully. She would probably kill the man if she ever saw him lay a hand on one of those children.

"Okay, I just want to make sure the kids are okay."

"They're well taken care of."

"What about you?" Olga asked, circling her arms around herself. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... no," she whispered after a beat. "I don't know," she shook her head. "I can't keep from wondering, am I doing the right thing?" She was mainly asking herself out loud.

Was there necessarily a right way of doing this?

"The only wrong thing is staying and being mistreated by someone who doesn't deserve you," Olga said, seeing the woman's eyes glass over with tears. "You want to talk about it?"

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