Chapter 5

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Olga stood frozen in her spot for several seconds as the rain soaked through her clothes to her skin. Looking around, she saw a few people rushing into the hospital to get out of the pouring rain across the street from where she just came, other than that, the street looked abandoned on this late stormy night. "I...." She was at a loss for words. This was the last thing she expected her to say. "I'm trying to help, but you keep refusing me," she looked down at the distraught woman as rain dripped off both of their noses. "You deserve someone who loves you and respects you. Your life is not supposed to be like this, Leona," she sat down beside the woman, forgetting all about the thunderstorm that hovered over top of them. "Will you let me help you? I can find you a place to stay." She said, softly.

"If I go to a safe house or something, he will find me," Leona said, looking down at the little bump in her shirt that that kept moving. "I know he will."

When Leona left the hospital, she had no idea what to do. She thought she should go back home. She hoped Carlos would be over his little spill by now, but she also knew this could finally be her out. Leona had had enough. She was at the point that she was willing to risk everything she had to get away from the hell she was living in. She had money, clothes, expensive items, but non of those things mattered the least bit if she was unhappy, and that was exactly what she was; fed up and unhappy.

At the beginning of her marriage she would say that she was a strong, powerful woman, but after more than a year of getting beaten down verbally and sometimes physically, she felt just the exact opposite. She tried to recollect where everything went wrong in her marriage, but for the life of her, she couldn't think of anything. Carlos had been a very loving husband for the first year or two, but the higher he climbed in his career, the more he would turn sour toward her.

But finally, after today, this was her out. She wanted this more than anything, but yet she couldn't help but hesitate. Just as soon as she felt strong enough to walk away, a thought would pop into her head. She had absolutely no one outside of her relationship with her husband. Where would she go? How would she survive? She couldn't just run back to her childhood home. There was no way her parents would welcome her with open arms. She wouldn't if they were her.

"He won't," Olga placed her hand on Leona's shoulder and softly caressed her back.

Leona slightly jerked at the feel on the brunette's hand. She couldn't help but be jumpy at the moment. "He will," she mumbled, looking down at the bump underneath her scrub top. She found a little puppy out by the bench when she left the hospital. It kind of reminded her of herself, so she couldn't help but care for it. "He'll find me. He did before," she nodded as her body started trembling from the cold rain. "I won't go back. I won't," she shook her head and looked over to the brunette who was rubbing her back. "But, I'm scared of what he may do. I'm scared, Olga. I can't go back, I can't live a lie anymore. I'm done." she said, defeated.

Taking a deep breath, Olga didn't know what to do. She was at a total loss of how to help this woman because she refused to go anywhere she offer. Feeling the chill bumps prick her skin, she knew Leona had to be freezing as well. "Come on," she stood up and pulled the woman up by her arm.

"What?" She asked, taking the dog out from under her shirt before she dropped him.

"Come on, we can't sit in the rain like this," she said as a loud clap of thunder rang out over the sky. "One or both of us is going to catch a cold," she said, dropping the woman's arm and walking a few steps before turning to see Leona still standing in her spot. "Come on," she waited for her to follow. "Listen," She sighed. "He could be driving by as we speak," she said the words, and as soon as she did, she regretted them. The last thing she wanted to do was scare her more. "I know you don't know me well, and, I you, but trust me? Okay?" She asked a little loud so Leona could hear her over the rain.

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