Chapter 19

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I'm sorry agad for writing this chapter... WARNING. Touches on sexual assault.


Olga was exhausted when she finally walked out the doors of the ER. She wasn't expecting to have to carry a long twelve hour shift especially after binge drinking her feelings away the night prior. Even after all the water she consumed, she still felt terrible all day and to beat it all, she remembered everything from last night.

She had hoped she'd hear something from Leona today, a simple text even, but then she remembered half way through her shift she'd left her phone at home.

She hoped the dark haired woman would be home when she walked up the steps of their apartment, but after looking around, she quickly found out she was all alone.

Was Leona really mad at her? Did she not want to talk? She had thought coming home and finding the woman in her bed last night was a good sign. If she was mad she wouldn't have been in her bed when got home. Right?

Looking around the apartment, she saw that Leona had moved the note she had left her in the bathroom, she knew the knew the brunette wanted to talk, so why was she gone?


Leona had been on the street in front of Precious' bar in Batangas for over fifteen minutes. After being dropped off by the cab driver she just couldn't seem to move. Her clothes were now soaked to the bone from the rain that was pouring down, her sight was similar to the way Olga had found her the night she left the ER all those months ago.

The woman's body felt numb. She didn't feel like she could put one foot in front of the other at the moment, so all she could do was stand there and stare blankly at the door of the establishment where she worked.

So many things were rushing through her head. Her mind was going at warp speed, but then again her head and body felt void of everything.

Her body shook, but it wasn't from the rain. It was from the shock she was in. She couldn't wrap her head around what had taken place earlier.

How did this happen? She couldn't believe she fell for his facade, yet again. She was, embarrassed. Mortified. Ashamed of what had transpired. She had gotten more than what she bargained for and at what cost? Risking all that she had overcome so far.

This was the last thing she expected to happen, but she should have known. She knew better, but yet she still went on a whim and now look at her. She felt broken. Again.

It wasn't until she saw a familiar face, did Leona come out of her confused state. "Anong ginagawa mo dito?" Feliz ran outside and asked the wet woman. One of the customers had come up to the bar and told her that the dark haired woman who worked there was standing outside in the rain peering at the building. "Leona?" She grabbed the woman's arm and pulled her out of the rain. "Come on, sweetie," she said worriedly. She had never seen the woman so disoriented.

"Feliz," her voice broke when she grabbed a hold of the woman when she finally shook her thoughts away.

"Anong problema?" She asked trying to dry the woman's face with the small hand towel she had attached to her waist. "Okay ka lang?"

All Leona could do was shake her head, the tears brimmed her eyes. "Tara," Feliz guided her into the building and down the steps as the woman cling to her. "Leona honey, what happened?" She asked as she took her into the back of the bar. She didn't want to be everyone's entertainment for the night. "Where's Olga?" She questioned the traumatized woman.

"I... she..." the woman shook her head, willing her tears away. She promised herself she was done crying over him, but so much had happened in the last twenty-four hours she couldn't even digest it all.

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