Chapter 25

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After their little talk on the street, the two ladies made their way inside the bar to spend the evening. Not seeing any of their friends, they decided to grab a booth in the back to just enjoy the night with each other.

"Kamusta trabaho mo?" Leona asked while she sat sideways in the booth with her feet propped up as she rested her back against the cool wall of the building. They had been at the bar for a while, but had yet to order some dinner because they had fallen into an easy conversation.

"Uhh, good. Good." Leona had no idea what Olga had been working at the bakery instead of the ER. The brunette would leave around six in the morning just like she did when she left for the hospital and returned home late in the day and Leona was none the wiser. "Busy and exhausting day," she said as she sipped on her third drink of the night.

"Anything exciting?" Leona had no idea that Olga had ordered them a cocktail before finding a booth, but Leona declined the drink. She insisted if she were to start drinking tonight, she would be a crying drunk and that was the last thing she wanted right now.

"No, nothing really," Olga sat back against the wood of the booth. The alcohol starting to take a little effect on her.

"Boringgggggg..." she said as she crossed her legs as she looked out at the people having a good time.

"Yeah," she chuckled, agreeing with the woman.

"I know I've not really cared about the bakery this past week or so, and honestly it's not a big priority to me right now for obvious reasons, pero anong gagawin natin?"

"Ano bang gusto mong gawin?" She asked Leona. She knew the establishment was weighing heavy on her because of her decision to go to Carlos' last week.

"Hindi ko alam."

"Well, I don't want you spending your trust fund money on it," the brunette told her.

"You don't?" Leona questioned.

"I just feel that if you do, it will make you think of that night and I don't want you to relive that ever again."

"What if wala tayong ibang paraan?" She knew she was right, she would probably think about her husband every time she entered the building if she did use her money to finish it up.

"I went ahead and finished paying the electrician what we still owed and I also think I've figured out a way to finish up, just give me a few more days, okay?" Olga asked. She didn't want to tell the brunette yet that she had took money from her Aunty to help finish the place. She had one more order left to be delivered sometime in the next few days and she didn't want to spoil it until everything was in place.

"Paano mo nabayaran yung electrician?"

"Yung natira sa savings ko," she watched the woman's face drop. "Stop," she knew she was feeling bad because she had drained her savings on the building and she hadn't really cared about it lately. "Okay lang yun. Once you get the place up and running, I'll make my money back in no time, I feel it."

"Magdilang anghel ka sana," Leona said as she saw Precious walking their way with two drinks in her hand.

"Ladies," she said, sliding Olgas drink to her.

"Wait," the brunette stopped the older woman from sitting down. "CR lang ako," she said, scooting out of the booth and disappearing into the restroom.

"How are you, Leona?" Precious asked, taking Olga's seat and sipping on the beer she had brought for herself.

"I'm okay," she sighed. "I think it's about time na bumalik na ako sa trabaho," she admitted. After the elder woman heard what had happened to her, she gave the woman all the time off she needed to gather herself.

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