Chapter 32

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Leona lazily blinked her eyes open when she felt the warm rays shining through the window. She was tired, so seeing the sun out in full glory made her sigh with exhaustion. She was tired and wore down, but she was sure she was nowhere near as exhausted and drained as the brunette that had curled up and clung to her all night long.

It didn't take long after going to bed for Olga to cry herself to sleep, but shortly after dozing she woke up again and in turn woke the woman up with her hushed cries.

Seeing Olga so devastated pained Leona's heart. Olga had always been the strong type, but last night she looked so lost and disheveled and it broke the woman's heart.

Olga woke from her sleep a few times during the night and Leona did the only thing she knew to do which was hold the brunette and whisper soothing words to her as she let out her grief until she fell back asleep. After the brunette was resting, it would take Leona longer to fall back asleep because upset Olga snored, loudly. But she didn't care; any sound coming from the doctor was cute in her book.

Focusing her attention on the woman that was snuggled up to her, Leona swept her brown disheveled hair out of her face. God, she could look at this woman everyday for the rest of her life and never tire of it.

Looking at the peaceful sleeping woman in her arms, she couldn't help but smile. Even with the current horrible situation, she couldn't help but think back to their last night together in Batangas. The kiss they shared was something out of this world. Not that Leona had a lot of different first kisses to compare it to, but it was by far the best she ever had and she couldn't wait to share a lot more with the woman in her arms.

Since sharing their kiss, Olga had become a little shy and the woman loved it. She was thrilled she could make this strong, Olga had become more respectful, if possible. The way she would bashfully look up at her and ask the simple question, it melted her heart.

Holding hands with someone was one of the top intimate things to Leona. It was one way to stay connected even in public. There was simplicity in holding someone's hand that you had feelings for. Intertwining fingers could say so much more than words sometimes.

Holding Olga's hand was inviting, so comforting and it really felt like home. It was as if their hands were made for each other.

Hearing another loud snore from the brunette broke Leona out of her thoughts. Kissing Olga's forehead, Leona then tried to pry herself from the woman's grip.

Olga had entwined their legs together at some point during the night and had her arm snugly thrown over the woman's torso as if she was holding on like she would lose her.

Leona hated to break her hold because she loved the feeling of being in Olga's arms as they slept, but she had a more pressing need for the bathroom.

Carefully slipping from her arms and out of the bed, she hurried to the bathroom before coming back into the room to find the sleeping woman subconsciously cuddled further in the covers.

Walking up to the bed, she pulled the covers up snugly around the woman and kissed her temple before quietly exiting the room. Her stomach was making its presence known and she thought that maybe she could scrounge up a quick breakfast for everyone before the day got started.

Walking into the quiet kitchen, she turned the light and shuffled to the fridge to find something to fix for Aurora and Olga. She was hoping if she made some bacon, the brunette would eat because it was going to be another long day and they needed to keep up their strength.


Leona was in the middle of cooking French toast when she heard someone shuffling down the hallway. Flipping the bread, she looked up just in time to see a rough looking Aurora walk into the room.

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