Chapter 29

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"Olga!" The brunette heard the vulnerability in Leona's voice when she called her name as she ran out of the building and into the rainy night air. Of course it was still raining. She didn't care though, it was cold and wet out, but she couldn't seem to give shit that she was getting drenched from her head to her toes.

Where the hell was she going? She looked down the street both ways, only seeing a few cars and a taxi waiting at the red light on the corner as she took in several deep breaths.

Looking up into the sky, she took another long rugged breath as she felt the rain drop on her face and run down her cheeks and neck while she wondered about what had just transpired.

It wasn't a dream, right?

She wasn't standing there day dreaming? It couldn't have been. She wondered as she touched her slightly swollen lips. They were tingling and she could still feel and taste the woman on her mouth.

The feel of her soft hands grabbing her face and pulling her in was amazing. God, she wanted more of that.

That kiss was everything she had imagined it would be and possibly more, so why the hell was she standing out on the street, in the pouring rain, in front of the building when she should be inside kissing her dream girl back.

The thought made her chuckle if only for a second. Dream girl was Carmina's name for Leona and Olga felt it was perfect. Because she was, she was her dream girl, so why the hell did she just run out on her?

Leona kissed her. SHE kissed HER.

It wasn't the other way around. It wasn't how she ever imagined it would be. It was quite the opposite, really. Leona had approached her. Leona had pulled her in. Leona kissed her.

Dropping her head into her hands, she rubbed her face as she tried to wrap her mind around what just happened. She was aghast. Olga had been so fixed on trying to keep her feelings intact that she never dreamed Leona would make a move. Not in the slightest.

She was scared, shocked and very dismayed, but all the while Leona's words reverberated through her head. "Let yourself be happy."

And then it hit her.

Hell no.

Their first kiss would not happen this way. That was the worst kiss she had ever given, but yet, best kiss she had received. EVER.

Hell, she didn't even kiss her back, so would it still be considered their first kiss?

She would not let it go down like that if she had any say about it.


Leona didn't know what to do when she watched the brunette rush out the door. Did she take it too far? She thought this was what Olga wanted, so why the hell did she run away from her?

Olga made her happy. If she was to admit it to anyone, the brunette had made her very happy actually and the thought of the woman being with anyone else drastically upset her.

She knew Olga was feeling it too, hell she admitted it. So why the hell did she leave her standing there scratching her head as she tried to figure out why.

No. There was no way she was going to let her walk away that easily, not after what happened last time one of them walked away. She would not let things stew again.

Just as she flung opened the door to yell for the retreating woman. "Ol..." she was met face to face with a drenched Olga quietly staring back at her. That wasn't at all what she expected. "," she whispered while watching the rain pelted down on the brunette as she blinked away the rain drops that had fallen down her forehead and into her eyes.

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