Chapter 23

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This chapter's a filler to set up some events in the future...


Olga had been sitting at the counter for over two hours while she went over the books for the bakery. Since Leona's attack, she had been trying to come up with a way to slash costs across the board. She didn't want Leona to use her trust fund money for the bakery. Even thought Leona never voiced it to her, Olga was afraid that the woman would always think of that fateful night every time she walked into the building if she used her money and that was the last thing the brunette wanted.

She wanted Leona to be able to come to work and not have to think about her past or have anything loom over her head, so she had been spending a lot of her free time thinking things over while her roommate laid around at home.

It had been a week since the attack and Leona was having a rough time with it all. Ador and Feliz had stopped by the next morning to check on the women, more specifically, Leona. When he and Max arrived at Carlos' estate, their entrance was denied. Supposedly, Carlos had to unexpectedly travel out of state on a business trip. They knew it was mostly likely a lie, but there was nothing they could really do if they couldn't get access.

After their friends' visit, Olga had tried to get the woman to go with her on a drive, just so she didn't spend the day thinking about things, but Leona refused. She insisted that she was too tired to leave the apartment.

On the third day of Leona laying around, Olga finally called into work and told her boss she needed the week off, unbeknownst to her friend. She didn't know what to do to break Leona out of her stupor. She had tried to get her to work on the bakery, but the woman refused, insisting that she didn't feel like doing anything at the moment.

So, Olga took it upon herself to try to get it ready without the woman knowing. She had got together with her Aunty and went over some ideas on how to get the establishment back on schedule. She had hoped in doing so, she could pull Leona out of her current state by surprising her with the finished product.

And that's what she planned to do in a few days. She just had to wait until all the supplies were ordered and set up before she made the grand presentation.

A knock on the door brought Olga out of her concentration. "Sandali lang," she called out as she finished jotting down a few prices on a piece of paper. She was hoping it was her last delivery order she had been waiting on today.

She had really put her all into this over the past week or so and was somewhat proud of herself of what she accomplished behind the woman's back. Now she just hoped Leona would appreciate it and become excited all over again because seeing the woman shy away was heart wrenching to her. "Oh, Kat, ikaw pala" she said, seeing her friend wave from the door.

"Hindi ba ako nakakaabala?" Katya said after the woman opened the door and greeted her with a quick hug.

"No, no, of course not. Pasok ka," the brunette motioned to her to step inside. "Hinihintay ko lang yung ovens na madeliver."

"Ovens?" She questioned, looking around at the establishment. "Wow," she was mesmerized by her surroundings. "A lot has changed in eight or nine days," she said seeing the tables with mint colored runners laying across each surface that was placed strategically around the front room with several empty crystal glass cake pedestal plate domes adorning the tops.

"Yeah," Olga smiled as she looked around the room. "I arranged all of the display cases this morning, hindi lang ako sure kung ito ba yung gusto ni Leona, but she can rearrange them if she doesn't like it," she shrugged.

"This place is amazing," she continued to look around the storefront.

"Thanks," she replied. "Ay, kailangan mong makita anong nakuha ko kahapon," Olga quickly turned and walked towards the counter. "Look how amazing this cash register is," she said turning it on to show Katya all of the features. "It's so awesome. All the things she will sell will be at the touch of a button and the customer can see their order while she rings up," she turned it around and showed the woman the front of the device the customers will be able to see. "Ang galing no?" She grinned. She could not wait until Leona saw this. "Hindi ako makapaghintay na ipakita sa kanya 'to."

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