Chapter 4

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"Oh God!" she gasped, quickly closing the curtains so they wouldn't have any unwanted eyes.

Olga wasn't sure if the woman's husband was around or not, and if he did appear out of nowhere, she didn't want him to know where she was. "Leona?" She whispered, seeing the woman lying on the bed about half out of it. "Leona?" She said, donning a pair of gloves. "Hey." She grabbed her face and turned it towards her as Leona opened her eyes.

"Please?" Leona mumbled. "Stop. Please." She thrashed her head, trying to get away from the hold. "No." She grabbed Olga's hands and pushed them away from her face as she tried to find strength to get away from the figure hovering around her.

"Leona, it's me. It's Dr. Arguelles." Olga tried to calm her. "Listen to my voice."

" I'm sorry." She said, trying to sit up in the bed. "It's nothing. I don't know where it came from."

"Shit." Olga mumbled, trying to hold the woman down on the bed. The brunette was sure as hell a lot stronger that she looked. "Santos?" She yelled out.

Olga really didn't want anyone else in there with her, but she needed help to get Leona under control because she needed to get examined and quickly. She wasn't sure if the woman had head trauma or not. She seemed to think she was still with or near her husband, so it seemed like she had suffered some kind of trauma. "Dr. Santos!" She yelled again as she came rushing through the curtain.

"Give her a sedative." Olga tried to pin her down to the bed, but Leona kept trying to sit up.

"No, please."

"A nurse already gave her a light one." Katya ran off to grab a dose before running back inside the bay to administer the drug.

Olga tensed just as the sedative started circulating through her body.

"Damn." Olga sighed as Leona started to relax back on the bed again. "So you said she had a sedative already?"

"Yeah, just a mild one. She was really shaken up when she came in asking for you. She didn't want to be seen, but Mary put her in a bed anyway."

Olga knew she was playing with fire, but she didn't know what else to do. "Is this the only visit in her file?" She knew that it likely was. She didn't live in Batangas from what Feliz had said, so the odds were in her favor right now.

Katya picked the chart back up and scanned through the papers. "Yep, seems to be."

"I'm going to ask you something, and if you're not comfortable with it, just tell me."


"I need you to do me a favor and destroy that folder, Katya."


"Destroy that folder, Kat, and then go back to your night like nothing happened."

"I....I can't do that."

"Listen, Santos. Please, get rid of it. I'm asking you." She looked Katya in the eyes. "Shred them."

"Olga, I can't." She whispered. "Max already knows this patient is here."

"Fuck." She scolded, trying to think of something else she could do. "Okay." She said, pulling her pen light out and checking Leona's reactions. "Good." She whispered to herself, thanking God that Leona didn't seem to have a concussion. "Check her legs and make sure she doesn't have any abrasions." She told Katya as she continued to check Leona's upper body before taking some gauze to try to clean up her face to find out where the source of her bleeding was coming from.

"What could have happened to her? She wouldn't tell us." Katya said, cutting her pants from her legs. "She just kept asking for you Dr. Arguelles."

Olga gritted her teeth at the thought of this woman's husband laying his hands on her again.

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