Chapter 24

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After Katya left the bakery, Olga had to wait around thirty minutes as the delivery man nonchalantly brought the ovens into the building.

Katya's little suggestion for the shower was weighing heavy on her mind and the brunette didn't know why she hadn't already alleviated her need several times lately, but then again, she wouldn't feel comfortable with Leona in the house because, let's face it, she was not the quiet type.

Olga hurried the guy along, telling him to just leave the ovens somewhere in the kitchen and she would handle the setup later. Finally after forty-five minutes of dealing with the man, the brunette was locking up and heading home to get ready for their outing tonight.

She was hoping Leona would let loose and have some fun tonight, but only time would tell.

The walk home didn't last long, thankfully the rain had subsided so she didn't have to deal with the storm. When she walked down the street her apartment was located on, she noticed that her truck was still gone. The dark haired woman had asked to use it so she could go to her appointment during the day and Olga happily obliged.

A brief worry entered her mind when she saw that the woman wasn't home so she pulled out her phone and send off a quick text to Leona just to give herself a little peace of mind.

Hey, Leona, kararating ko lang sa apartment, wondering if matutuloy ba tayo mamayang gabi? I've not heard from you today, hope you're okay. See you soon? - Olga.

She typed as she slowly walked behind the apartment. Sending the message, she went into the fence in the back lot and saw Adam jumping up on the gate wagging his tail because he was happy to see a familiar face. "Hey, big man," Olga petted his head before taking the leash off the fence and attaching it to his collar so she could walk him up to the apartment without him running away. "Namiss mo ba ako?" She laughed when he began to bark at her. "Namiss din naman kita," she giggled as he tried to lick her face.

When both women were away from home they would put the dog out back in the lot behind the firehouse so he wouldn't be locked up by himself all day and have a mess waiting on them when they got home.

In the past four and half months he had really grown into his own and he enjoyed strewing clothes all over the floor, so they couldn't leave him alone for more than five minutes without causing ruckus.

"How long has your momma been gone?" She asked as she walked him down the street and in the building to her apartment.

Mere minutes after getting inside, she filled his food bowl up and let him enjoy his dinner while she took a quick shower before they went out.

Just as soon as the brunette undressed and was about to step into the tub her phone buzzed. Quickly checking it, she saw a reply from her friend.

Hi. Kalalabas ko lang ng office. Magpapa gas lang ako and bibili na din ng candy bar. Well, chocolate in general right now. I'll be home in about 30 minutes or so. If you're still up for it, tuloy tayo sa Precious' tonight? Gusto ko lang lumabas. I'm tired of sitting and moping around at home. - Leona.

Chocolate talaga? So, bad day? FYI, of course I'm up for it, I need a few... or 8 drinks?! :) See you soon. - Ollie.

Ollie. Haha. Akala ko ba I wasn't allowed to call you that? And no, actually, it was a decent day. Maybe we'll discuss tonight? - Leona.

Gladly! And I was in a hurry. - OlGanda. Better?

Umm... No, I like Ollie. :) It's unique. - Leona.

Olga couldn't help but smile at the text before quickly typing a reply.

When Love Finds YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon