Chapter 9: A Promise & The Garden

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"Good Morning Miss Yasmin!"

"Hello Miss Yasmin!"

"I can't wait for the flowers!"

"Is it my turn?"

"Be quiet classmates!"

"Hi Miss Yasmin!"

I'm dead. Its a maximum of 21 little kids around the garden! We (Shawn is here as well, as expected) haven't started the class yet but they're already running around noisy!

"Children! Come here this instant!" Says Miss Margaret. All the kids suddenly stopped chit-chattering and walked quietly towards her. Does she have hypnotization or what?

"Good. Now, our last lesson for today will all be about Flowers and their knowledge. Our friends here, namely Yasmin and Shawn, will tell you about them." Miss Margaret continued and pointed at us. The children waved at us afterwards. We bowed at them and started to walk around. I tried to look at my best for them today and smiled.

It's only for today. Just smile and tell them your knowledge, my mind said. I stopped walking and gestured the children at the rose field. They had jaw-dropping faces and was amazed at them.

"This is a healthy and well-cared Rose garden. As you can see there are a lot of kinds of rose colors. And did you know they also mean something?" The children cutely shook their heads and some said no or maybe. I giggled softly but I tried to hide it.

"You see those red roses over there. They're the most common of them all. They also have a very deep meaning." I stated. I almost got all the attention in the class because I walked in front of the red rose path.

"Red Roses convey deep emotions like love, longing, or desire. They can also be used to show respect, admiration, or devotion to someone you know." I then walked slowly towards the White Roses area.

"White Roses are one of my favorites. They show purity, chastity, and innocence. They also mean new beginnings." I noticed a young boy raised his hand and I asked him what his question was.

"Miss Yasmin, what do you mean by new beginnings?" I couldn't think of an example because its a bit too personal on my case so Shawn answered him.

"Do you go to weddings? Whenever the bride comes in, she holds white roses, which is called a bouquet. It means a new beginning because she's making one with her groom, the love of her love. Do you get it kids?" They all answered a yes and I continued.

"Anyways, as you can see, there are a lot of roses here with different colors. They were planted from my uncle whose friend of his has a collection of rose seedlings. That's why we got to have almost all kinds of roses like these," I then pointed at Yellow Rose area, which made the children awed at the sight.

"Yellow Roses are an expression of exurbance. They symbolize friendship and caring towards a person." I noticed some girls talking and because of my powerful sense of hearing, they're talking about giving some to their 'best friends'. I sighed a bit and walked towards the Pink Roses.

"Pink Roses at first sight, makes you think that it means cuteness and cheerfulness, but it has a different meaning. These roses are used to convey gentle emotions such as admiration, joy and gratitude. Literaly speaking that you can use this pink rose to someone you want to thank of." Some smiled and got excited of what rose I'll show them next. I head towards the Orange Roses this time.

"Orange ones signify passion and energy. They can be used to express intense desire, pride, and fervor. It just means that it shows your passion on something you like so much." I walked to the Lavender Roses, which are my Uncle's favorites this time.

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