Chapter 39: Smiles

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Sigh, what an emotional week (School Stuff Lol)

Anyway, ENJOY! ^__^



"Yoona," I felt someone shaking me by the shoulders which woke me up. I rubbed my eyes a bit and looked towards this person standing beside me. It took me seconds to realize who he is. I'm getting slow these days. -_-

"Luhan? What are you doing here?" I blurted out, almost saying the heck. I was surprised so I can't avoid upon saying it. Okay, enough of this.

He then pointed towards the side table and I saw a box placed on top of it. I raised my brow in curiosity. He just smiled at me. Still looking at him, I slowly get the box and opened it. I then face it, to see mocha flavored donuts. My eyes rounded in surprise.

"Donuts were made by Kyungsoo. He told me that these are your favorite sweets so I asked him to make some. Hope you like these." He suddenly said. I just smiled greatly at him then started on munching these babies. Hmm! How I miss this!

"So how are you? Feeling better?" He suddenly asked, as he took a seat at the side of the bed. I gave him a thumbs up since my mouth's too full to speak. "The others were really worried about you." He continued.

"I'm fine. Tomorrow I can go back to work." I told him after I swallowed the donut I was eating. He just stared at me.

"If you say so. Just don't force yourself alright?" I nodded, grabbing another donut. Sheesh, why is he acting like my uncle? Well, how can I avoid this anyway? People suddenly worrying about me feels weird but it's good to know that they really care. I mentally sighed at the thought of it.

"Kai disappeared the time we found you." I stopped eating when he suddenly said that. My hands went down from my mouth as I fell silent. Images from our fight then went through my mind. That new look of his, its evil. Someone changed him, I'm sure. I know he's just being controlled or hypnotized to do this.

He's different from who he really is.

Luhan probably noticed that I suddenly became silent because he just suddenly tapped my shoulder, making me look at him. I was then surprised when he suddenly stole my donut from my hands. "Hey!" I exclaimed.

"Why the sudden quiet aura? You're making me nervous." He said then took a bit of the donut. I was just by his side, face stunned on whatever he just did. Is this really him? He's being too casual. -.- "Hey, speak up a bit. You can't always hide something forever from me you know." He suddenly spoke.

"You just stole my donut." I mumbled but I know he heard me since he let his head go near me. He suddenly pout a bit, which was surprising.

"Its just only one Yoona. The rest are yours. Now, tell me." He then gobbled up the donut and looked at me seriously. Okay, that's bipolar don't you think? "Did your sudden disappearance has something to do with Kai's disappearance now?" I kept my head low after he said that.

"Was it obvious?" I asked him, but he just continued to stare at me seriously. By that gesture, I heaved a deep sigh. "Yes, it has." I answered him. I then saw him surprised through the corner of my eye. I then could sense that he wants to ask me something but he's afraid to do so. I then spoke, "Ask whatever you want to ask, you have a right to know."

"Was it him who h-hurt you?" I stayed still at his question. But nonetheless, I slowly nodded. I heard him cuss right after that. "That bastard." He then looked at me worried and took hold of my face. Like, both of his hands are on my cheeks and it made my hair stand up. I could just hear something within me beating so loud right now. You're just nervous Yoona! Get a grip!

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