Chapter 19: A New Job & A Bear

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"Uncle, do you accept this kind of offer? Cause it just seem so suspicious." I asked him right after I told him the details about this Music Department Mark told me about it. Yeah I know how to play guitar but only Uncle and Kyungsoo knows about it.

Facepalm, Luhan saw me playing it too.

"Well, it may be suspicious but why not take this opportunity? At least people won't judge you by this again." He said. I just buried my face at the pillow I'm holding. By the way, we're back home now and we're talking in my bedroom.

Its been years since I've played in front of a crowd. The last time was when my mother was here, and I was just a child back then. I still do play guitar and a bit of piano and violin but only Uncle see me playing them. Now, they're just hidden in a case I hid at the back of my closet.

"Really uncle? Its karaoke! I'll be playing it probably at night! Who'll do night gardening?"

"Its not every night you need to clean the garden."


"You don't need to force yourself on this one, Yoona. You can just decline the offer, as simple as that." Then he left after he told me he'll prepare dinner. I lay myself on my bed, reminiscing times. I rarely done this on a bed.

I was probably 7 when I had to leave Moon Kingdom. Now that I'm 17, 10 years have passed. Woah, that was fast.

I still remember that one time when mother was still here, me and Shawn were playing at the front yard when she called me to be inside. The time we got in, she hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe. Little did I know that the next day she'll be confined in the hospital. I just sighed at that thought.

I decided to take a nap when my phone suddenly rang. Dang it, disturbers. I thought. I picked it up and was surprised to hear a squeal.

"OH MY GOOOOOOSSSSSHHHHHH!!!!!! YOONA YOU HAVE TO GET DOWN RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!" Jessica squealed I had to let my phone be far from my ear.

"What is it now? I'm trying to sleep Sica." I told her with a sleepy voice. But still, she couldn't stop squealing. No choice, I put on my slippers and went down. I saw the door open so I went out, just to see Jessica with a phone on her right hand......

And a big violet teddy bear on her left. Uncle Sam looks at me with furrowed eyebrows while I just crossed my arms.

"What now?"

"Some random student gave this to me and told me to give it to the lady gardener and because you're the lady gardener, I'll be giving this to you!" And she handed me the bear right after, making me stumble a bit because of her force. I just look at her in the eye.

"Same guy?" She shrugged her shoulders at me. I brought the bear inside and sat on the sofa, examining it. Uncle and Jessica got in afterwards. Uncle went back to the kitchen while Jessica sat beside me. I then noticed a note by its neck. I took it and we read it together.

For you, my future ;-)
So I can hug you every night when you're afraid of the dark.

-Your Prince

"YOU ONE LUCKY GAAAAAAAALLLLLL!!!!!" Jessica exclaimed as she kept on slapping my arm. Man, I know she is being hyperventilating but please not me. Its creepy actually.

"Jessica! That hurts! Stop it!" I told her and was about to stop her when the door suddenly opened, revealing Shawn with paper bags.

"Good you're here Shawn! Just place them on top of the table and hang out with the ladies for now." Uncle Sam exclaimed from the kitchen and Shawn followed him, his eyes on the teddy bear. As soon as he got back, he sat on one of the cushions at the side.

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