Chapter 12: Flower Contest & Moves

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As Yoona, Princesses Tiffany, Jessica and Prince Kris went out of sight, a figure which is hidden by the trees sighed in relief. He was almost caught anyway. Not too long a-somehow-evil grin spread across his lips and then disappeared like a bubble.

"What did you find?" A voice coming from an old woman said, as she stare blankly at her messenger who just arrived in her swamp.

Her messenger bowed at her and told what he found when he was at Royal Wonder Academy. A smirk was then placed on her face. "You may now go Mark." Her messenger, Mark, bowed at her then left her.

For a table was in front of her, she placed her elbows on it and placed her hands on her chin. She was really amused on the new information she heard. She can't believe that Cassandra's daughter started to change a bit since the day she agreed to be friends officially with the Princesses of Frost and Air.

She stood up and walked towards her bookshelf. There she got a worn-out scripture being rolled but the writings are still readable. By the looks of the scripture she held, it was a copy of the original. She started to read what's in it.

"A sound of a sleeping child is heard
A mother's cry is at alert
A curse made by the witch of the west
Now is within the mother's nest."

"Mourning now can be seen
Because of an incident,
The child disappears from the scene.

Earth became hard for them to stay
But a risk to keep her baby safe anyway"

"The light has gone, Darkness arise
Tears from her soul, she started to be alone
But slowly she entered beginning
As her isolation came to an ending."

As she read the last paragraph, another one suddenly appeared. The woman got confused by this, but she didn't mind her annoying thoughts and read it aloud.

"Being confused about her feelings
Became one tragic believing
A plan has been made
Which causes everything to fade."

She smirked in success as she realized the stuff she needed to do. She placed the scripture back and returned to her seat.
'That girl is starting to have feelings? Well, she had to realize it, before I destroy he- Oh wait! She doesn't need to realize it, I can still destroy that stupid future of hers.' She thought as she sipped her cold tea. Why a cold one? Well, she's a witch from the past after all.



"We may now present to you, our Candidates!!" Said Prince Chanyeol, as he is the emcee for this contest. After the introductions of us, judges, (Me, Prince Suho, Miss Margaret) he started to call on the candidates. As usual on every contest, they walked and posed on the stage as if its theirs. And they did this one by one.

Princess Sooyoung owned the stage first with her sports wear. She wore the clothes of a golfer, and carried a golf club. I started to write on the paper my score for her. Prince Suho and Miss Margaret did the same. The cheers were also noisy. A lot were shouting their hearts out.

But the noise just got even louder when Prince Baekhyun, wearing the clothes of a baseball player, with a glove used for it and a ball. (A/N: let's all imagine Baekhyun wearing the same clothes he wore when he did the first pitch for baseball XD)

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