Summary/Disclaimer/What You Need to Know

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"Brotherhood. Youth. Masculinity- The Epitome of Being a John Dandy Boy."


In the coastal town of Stonehaven Pointe, Virginia; there is an all-male mentoring group known as the John Dandy Boys' Club that has garnered the attention of the townspeople and the students of Trotter's Ridge High School.

"These guys are the epitome for what a brotherhood stands for. They are the gods of this community."

Parents and teachers alike think that they are the godsend of the town taking in male newcomers.

Most students thought that they are the elites of Trotter's Rigde High and were lucky enough to attend parties, if not invite them to theirs. Others would either show marginal respect or have tolerated them, for better or worse.

"To be a part of the club is an honor. I'd give anything to be a part of their crew!"

For newly-arrived Bay'Vion Copeland (an incoming junior who lost his parents and younger brother over the summer and is sent to live with his aunt and uncle), his introverted world of books and loneliness is forever changed when he catches the John Dandy Boys. And with him battling his insecurities and anxieties (not to mention dealing with an egocentric godsister), he could use all the help he could get.

"I have no idea on where to go from here as the new kid and I don't know why I'm letting myself be pals with them. But if they can help me come out of my shell, then it's all the more reason to give them a chance."

Of course, there is more than what meets the eye, especially when it comes to the weekend getaways and the gradual transformations-physical and mental. But sometimes, you have to risk cutting your losses and certain people out of your life in order to be willing to chase after the sun.

"What the hell do you mean that he's going to be buddy-buddies with those geeks?! I'm going to talk some sense into him, bring him back to N'awlins, and make sure that he remains a loser so I can be everyone's favorite diva! I can't allow him to know his true heritage regarding those losers. And if it means doing away with his ass, then I'll gladly risk prison time!"

And for Bay'Vion Copeland and those who knew him best, his junior year in high school would be memorable for a very long time.

"Kenya doesn't believe that I'm capable of being one of those guys. Her friends are no better as they follow her like sheared sheep. But Aunt Mona and Uncle Donnie believe in me and wants me to branch out. So does Principal Fordham and Vice-Principal Talbot. Even my newfound friends here at Trotter's Ridge think that I have potential. The question is, however, remains unanswered: Can I do this? Can I actually be a John Dandy Boy?"


Copyright 2023 by JayDEvers, all rights reserved. No part of this story may be republished, redistributed, or photocopies without the consent of the author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events mentioned are used in a fictional manner and any resemblances to the places and people mentioned, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


Okay, boys and girls! This is going to be a TOTAL reboot of my original story that was shortlisted for the 2022 Open Novella Contest when I had my old account as JayDioncelEvers. And I was certain that I was going to win. But while things were not meant to be, I was proud that JDBC (the novella) actually got shortlisted and I knew that I had arrived into the writing world.

Of course, then came the total setback that forced me to rebrand myself last summer. But nonetheless, I am here and ready to serve you a NEW version for this story. It'll have an edgier storyline with complex characters (Bay'Vion included) and a more realistic feel regarding supernatural/science-fiction events (think "Ultraman" or a male version of "H2O: Just Add Water" with a blend of "Days of Our Lives" and "The Outer Limits"). And while there will be some homoerotic scenes, it'll be the steamy/fade-to-black kind so it won't get too explicit.

And I must warn you about some of the trigger warnings mentioned: mentions of death, verbal/emotional abuse, bullying, depression/anxiety, mental/emotional health, and strong language. This means that this story is going to be labeled "Mature" for your safety as well as my quality as a writer here on Wattpad. And don't worry, folks, there will be NO dark themes involved. I know my limits after the fiasco from last summer, so I know now when to draw the line.

With that said, I am going to tell you that this story is going to be full of surprises and I plan to bring my A-game to the table. So spread the word and make sure to tell everyone that another story will be EXCLUSIVELY available to read on Wattpad.

The prologue and introductory chapter will be published at a later date, so make sure that you...


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