Chapter Twenty-Seven: Ready for the Weekend

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Vion's POV

The next day...

"Vion, I can't believe that today's going to be your initiation weekend into the John Dandy Boys Club," Felicity cheered over the phone as I made sure that my outfits for the weekend (all new clothes, not including the designer tuxedo that was soon to arrive at the Westley manor the following day) were neatly packed in my suitcase. "And your uncle joining the adult version as well as Thompson joining you as well?! Boy, some guys get all the breaks!"

"Tell me about it," I replied, zipping up the bag securely before sitting it to the side of the bed and sitting at my desk. "I mean, this is all so sudden that it felt like only yesterday when I came to town. And now this! I can only imagine what it felt like for other guys to be in my shoes."

"Trust me, Vion. No one other than a few lucky ones were able to make it this far without losing favor before the weekend happened," Felicity said pointedly. "I mean, the ones that didn't make the cut are still around, but they're not talking about what they did wrong or anything. Just...dropped out of the radar."

"Well, as long as I don't screw up and remember to mind my Ps and Qs, I should be good to go," I hummed.

"You feel nervous?"

I thought for a moment. "Last night, I was," I admitted. "Now, I just feel like this was all waiting to be fulfilled- like destiny, in a way. I expected a lot of things when I arrived- being ignored or bullied; but I got a warm welcome by you and my new friends here. Plus, I had a guess that some time away from Kenya was going to be long overdue. I told myself that when the time came to finally branch out, I would burn all bridges from the past before I'd let myself withdraw back into my shell like Kenya wanted. So yeah, I'm going to go all-in on this and will make sure to let everyone know where I stand."

"Good for you," Felicity chirped. "Anyway, the others and I got our invites to your coming-out-party on Sunday, so you'll see me there at the manor this Sunday aliongside the others except for Charity since she's down with the flu. Meaning that Tahira and I will go dress-shopping later today and get our spa-day on tomorrow so we can look best for you."

"Right," I said. "Wish me luck, Felicity! I think that this is going to be a weekend to remember."

"Break a leg, Vion! You got this in the bag. We'll chat soon!"

We disconnected just as there was a knock from outside my door. "Vion, the Westleys will be here in ten," I heard Aunt Mona announce.

"Okay," I hollered, sliding on my old tennis shoes that will be thrown out after today. I got out my jounral and wrote.

Well, this is it. This weekend will be the epitome of what's head for me. After the chaos back in Louisiana and being shot at by Kenya's orders, this is when the past officially ends before I completely begin a new chapter. Despite what was to come, something tells me that I was not going to back down from what comes next- good ot bad. It's not what Kenya wants anymore. It's time for me to own my grace and show what she missed out on. The present belongs to her. But the future...the future is meant to be mine. Wish me luck!


De'Andre's POV

At the Thompson residence...

This was it.

After packing my bags full of my new clothes and throwing on my last outfit from my now-trashed wardrobe, I was ready for this weekend-long induction that would finally settle me into this town. Honestly, I'm still a bit nervous after yesterday's all-day shopping excursion with Vion and the John Dandy guys. But like Suarez and others told me, Kenya wanted me and Vion under her control so she would remain the diva supreme.

With her in prison for what happened to Vion, there was no stopping my plans for a fresh start. Vion was denied that in the past but it's time for him to embrace his destiny as it is for me and even my dad (him set to join Mr. Booker for their induction ceremony into the adult version of the John Dandy Boys Club at the manor).

"De'Andre!" Mom's voice rang from the living room. "The Westleys are here! Time to go!"

"Coming, Ma," I said as I collected my bags and said goodbye to Mom and my grandparents before walking to the stretch limo that waited for me. No going back, folks. It's all-in from here on out!


Third-Person POV

The Westley Manor, minutes away from downtown Stonehaven Pointe...

"I'm in," Bridget cheered sotto-voce as she ducked inside one of the guest bedrooms before heading inside the closet and grabbing my cellphone to text Tahira. I'm inside the manor, she texted. Phase one of the initiation completed.

Nice work, Humphries, came the reply. Got your pic of the pom-poms. You inside the guest bedroom, so that's cool. Remember to grab a piece of clothing or a shoe from Vion and steal a kiss as well. Make sure to snap a photo or film yourself.

Right. No phone calls until the dare is fully completed or else I blow my cover. Westley's manor looks a intimidating all at once. Something about this place gives me the spooks, but there's no going back. Gotta see this through.

I'm sure you will, Humphries. Be careful and don't get caught. May the passion of dance and cheer be with you.

Bridget pocketed her phone, placing it on silent to avoid detection. "No going back," she murmured to herself as she sat back deep in the spacious walk-in closet. "Time to get down to business."


Five minutes later (five minutes before the arrival of the guests)...

"I'm in," Quez said, deftly diving into the second walk-in closet (that was next to the one where Bridget was) before he dialed up his grandfahter's phone number. "Hey, granddad. I'm in. Thanks for the distraction."

"Glad I could help, boy," the older man said through the phone. "That manor gives me the creeps yet looks so opulent. And it's the place for the gatherin', right?"

"Yes, sir. But something tells me that there's something going on that I don't know, like there's something more than what meets the eye. I don't like the look of this. No further communication from here on our or else I blow my cover."

"Be careful, Quez," the teen heard the older man intone in a warning tone. "There might be somethin' shady going on around here and you're riskin' a lot for this investigation."

"Right, but there's no going back now. I gotta see this through. Wish me luck."

"God protect you, son." And the line was dead.

Quez sat back on the flood, scooting over to the side of the closet to hide in the shadows to avoid being detected. "No going back now," he said sotto voce as he heard footsteps from outside and downstairs alongside whoops of excitement and happy yells. "Something ominous this way comes. Time to get to work!"


Gentle reader, from this point of the story is when the elements of science fiction and homoerotica come into play. And soon, nothing will ever be the same. As for De'Andre Thompson and his father Mitchell alongside Bay'Vion Copeland and his uncle Donovan "Donnie" Booker, their lives would be forever changed. Turn the page, friends, and be blown away by what you're about to read regarding the "John Dandy Induction Weekend."

I know y'all are wanting to find out what happens next! Well, the next twelve chapters will detail just that before a new face comes into town to shake thigns up and causes trouble all around! Coming up next, it's time for the Induction Weekend to begin for Vion and his uncle alongside De'Andre and his dad! Stick around!

Song: "Ready for the Weekend" by Calvin Harris!


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