Chapter Twenty-Three: Arrangements for a Wild Weekend

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Third-Person POV

At an undisclosed location...

"Brothers, Mr. Bay'Vion Copeland is now at home and fully recovered thanks to the great doctors that I've personally hired. And despite the events that have transpired, my ward and I fully believe that the time has come for us to make sure that his initiation and induction into our brotherhood happens this weekend. However, there will be another addition as well- De'Andre Thompson, the ex-boyfriend of Kenya Halliday, is now in town and will be attending Trotter's Ridge High School on Monday."

"I've heard of Mr. Thompson, him being a top quarterback for his old school Carver High. But won't that bring any drama between him and Vion?"

"Not so, given that he and his family also were forced to hang back by Kenya so she could continue her reign of tyranny on Vion. De'Andre often tried to make things a little better for him as often as possible, but Mr. Thompson and his clan could only do so much. According to our contact, Miss Halliday often bragged to De'Andre that it would be nothing to easily eliminate Vion without getting her hands dirty. His parents and grandparents never cared for her at all, citing that her loose morals would cause De'Andre more grief the longer he stayed with her. But it was when she announced her intentions to exterminate Vion that De'Andre decided to cut her loose completely, vowing to testify against her through written statements if she followed through. When that happened, it gave him the courage to go through with his plans."

"All the more reason for him to defect and come to Stonehaven Pointe for a fresh start. And just in time because everything needs to be prepared for next week for the festivities and the planned processing. Vion and De'Andre, if the latter fully accepts the invitation, will be a part of our brotherhood and embrace their true destinies of our society while shedding away their pasts completely. Miss Halliday has missed out on good chances to accept the incoming changes, but has sided with extremists and cynics to take away what's set in stone. And now, she will have to pay for her sins in prison."

"Let's not talk about her anymore, brothers. This weekend is all about Copeland and Thompson, both boys who are meant for greatness as they are soon to join our world. Brotherhood. Youth. Masculinity."


At Slade's Diner in downtown Stonehaven Pointe...

"Thank God that Vion's out of the hospital," Tahira breathed as she and Felicity held court over the meeting of the cheerleaders and Sirens dance team while their boyfriends and other members of the football team stood in silent watch. "Last week was one of the scariest moments of my entire life, and Vion was the one who got shot."

"At least Halliday's in prison for what she did," hummed Felicity, accepting a glass of cherry Coke from a waitress. "I heard it only took five days for her trial to convict and sentence her to two life sentences without parole. Though I would've been happier if Halliday was sent to the electric chair or the gas chamber, I think that death would've been too easy for her."

"Probably for the best," one of the dancers commented. "But anyway, we need to focus on Bridget's initiation. It was supposed to happen if the shooting never took place, but she needs to-"

The door swung open to reveal the newly-arrived Bridget Humphries with her middle-school sister Tara and their parents following suit. "Sorry we're late," the raven-haired dance-team pledger apologized. "We were at the Bookers paying respects and checking in on Vion. He looked a bit healthier since coming home. I guess the time spent in the hospital did him good."

"Well, we were just talking about you, Humphries," Tahira commented. "And you know of your initiation, right?"

Bridget nodded. "Me leaving my pom-poms at the back door of the Westley Manor, try to sneak in and collect one of Vion's clothes or his shoes, and stealing a kiss," she piped up. "My parents and Bridget will pitch in to play distractions on Saturday so I can do what I need to do. But I'm still a bit uneasy given what happened and all. What Halliday arranged for Vion's attempted murder proved how anyone could die without warning. Copeland's a good guy and could've gone places earlier if Kenya didn't interfere with his life."

Felicity gave her a soft look. "You don't have to do this, Humphries," she said. "I mean, last week shook us all up and Vion might've died if it weren't for the Westleys' interference. So we can figure out another initiation for you or you can wait until next year to try out."

"No," Bridget said, shaking her head as her ponytail wagged. "I mean, this might be a bit macabre and all, but maybe stealing a kiss could give Vion a bit of pep in his step to make him forget about Kenya. And the Humphries family isn't the one to back down from a challenge. So, I'm in."

The dining room was full of small cheers and claps. "Badass, Humphries," Damon, who had remained quiet alongside Quintarrus and the other male diners until now, said. "If you can pull this off, there's no telling how far you can go."

And as everyone enjoyed their dinner fares that were accompanied by warm or cold beverages at Slade's Diner, Bridget Humphries believed that a little bit of courage could go a long way. Her plans of making the dance team will not fall through.

She was sure of it.


At the Turner-Houlton-Simmons residence...

"I'm happy to hear that, Mr. Booker," Quez hummed as he was on the phone with the man in question while writing some notes in his trusty notebook. "Give Vion my best and tell him that the gang and I will see him at school on Monday. Yes, thank goodness that this past week was Fall Break so he could focus on his recovery. All right, then. Have a great evening. Goodbye."

The line was disconnected, Quez pocketing his cell phone as he finished making a list of questions for his planned in-depth interview for the school newspaper. The moment when his aunt Marylin told him that Vion was finally awake after surgery to remove the bullet was when the aspiring reporter made arrangements to do a feature interview with Vion for the paper and his weblog. After gaining permission from the school advisor, Fordham, Talbot, and the Booker family; Quez began compiling questions for the interview and made sure that everything was set up. And upon meeting his new next-door neighbors (De'Andre Thompson and his maternal grandparents- his parents still in Louisiana finalizing the sale of the house), he also asked the teenager to join in for the interview as well. Of course, he intended to also interview the Westley father-son duo to add their inputs; but knew that it might be a bit too imposing to ask the respective advisor and leader of the John Dandy Boys Club. Still, he wanted this article and blog post to leave a lasting impact for his budding journalism career. "By this Monday, my interview will shine like the stars and will definitely have everyone in Stonehaven Pointe and Trotter's Ridge talking," he hummed before clearing his desk away and get ready for bed. "Thank goodness that Kenya Halliday is serving her prison sentence for life. Vion and De'Andre are too good for her toxic wiles. And they're blessed to be in this town where they can thrive."

He was sure of it.

It's a filler chapter, but it's also important because the next couple of chapters will detail everything leading up to the big weekend ahead! Coming up next, Vion's back at Trotter's Ridge High and reunites with De'Andre while Brian and his dad meet the latter before the duo makes De'Andre an offer that they home he won't refuse. I know y'all are going to dig this!

Dedication: AlexVBlack89.


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