Chapter Eighteen

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Third-Person POV

Undisclosed location, Stonehaven Pointe, Virginia...

"Brothers and men, the time has come to fully induct Bay'Vion Copeland into our brotherhood of sensuality, masculinity, and wonders," the head Titan leader intoned as the group who has been keeping their eyes on the teenager gathered on Saturday. Weeks of keeping a heavy surveilance on the young man and noticing how he kept his talents managed yet remaining humble throughout his debut months in town have led them to finally make the move to induct Vion into their world. "We all have seen him maintain his composure yet admired his personality that's the diamond standard of all that we stand for: brotherhood, youth, and masculinity. And though we still have Miss Halliday ready to keep him away from us, Vion has accepted the informal offer to join us."

The crowd of men cheered softly, commending and applauding at the news at the head Titan's ward stepped forward. "Bay'Vion Copeland hadn't had an easy life, as you already had known," he said, keeping his voice strict and firm as taught by his guardian- his father. "Had he not arrived to stay with his aunt and uncle, he would've had a tragic ending thanks to Kenya Halliday. Though the young woman is now awaiting trial for conspiracy to murder him, her plans might already be in action by now thanks to a spy she has hired to keep him under tabs. The town of Stonehaven Pointe and all of us are working with our affiliate brotherhoods in the surrounding communities as well as our brotherhood in Louisiana to make sure that Miss Halliday's plans do not come into action."

"Excuse me," said one of the latest members, "but what about Miss Halliday's family?"

"Her parents have all but disowned her, her father immediately having her placed under lockdown at Angola Penitentiary," the Head Titan said as he came to his ward's side. "And her ex-boyfriend has denounced her, citing that things have gone too far as he plans to move with his family here to Virginia in weeks' time. Our female contact who has been keeping watch on Miss Halliday is also set to move to Virginia, but in the town north of us. All the same, all of her supporters have turned their backs on her as she is soon to be punished for her wiles."

"And what of Vion's birthright?" asked an older man.

The Head Titan inhaled sharply. "I promised Angelica and Antonio Copeland that their son would indeed inherit the long-awaited birthright that should've been bestowed to him when he was born," he replied firmly. "They wanted to wait, let him live a normal life. They hadn't known that Miss Halliday knew about us from her late grandparents' harsh regime, makign sure that Vion is meant to be the sacrificial lamb before he became of age. But we will not allow it to happen, brothers. By next week, Vion will come into our flock and become the man that we all are. He will become one with us and help us with indoctrinating more of our and his caliber."

"Brotherhood. Youth. Masculinity. The epitome of our clan," the male crowd chanted as their eyes glowed ethereal colors as they dropped their clothes to reveal their naked and youthful bodies.

"Father," the young ward said, his voice laced with desire. "When will we make the formal invitation to Vion?"

The older man, an older clone of his younger self that stood in front of him, looked into his son and ward's eyes. "Next week," he intoned gently, placing a chaste kiss onto his son's lips. "We'll need to lie low for a while so we can prepare the manor. Now, come with me so we can be lost in each other's passions."

"Yes, Daddy."

And as the men were lost in their wicked lusts, they had one thing in mind: to ensure that Vion is part of their sensual world of lust and power.


Meanwhile, at Slade's Diner...

The Sirens dance and drill team of the Trotter's Ridge Pirate Marching Regiment and the varsity cheerleaders were currently gathered around to induct new members into their flock, their respective captains Tahira and Felicity (who were accompanied by their boyfriends) now in the middle of the private section of the diner as waiteers were hurriedly passing out menus to the hungry youths. "Ladies and gentlemen, today is when we formally induct new members of the Sirens dance team and the cheerleading squad," Felicity said. "New to the cheerleaders are Kandace Vinson, Mariah Agloe, Dalia Rolon, and Wendy Arbrooks."

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