Chapter Forty-Five: The Auntie Bear vs. the She-Devil

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Kenya's POV

Two days later...

Things have been relatively quiet lately since The Star of Bavier dropped. So far, Nathan and I have been getting little to no support since the first article premiered yet there's been plenty of backlash from the townspeople who read it. For Nathan, he caught most of the heat since he's the writer as he's been fit to be tied at home by his parents (both of them being reporters for WSHN and media allies for those pretty boys). Needless to say, they were livid as hell and demanded that he shut the Star down.

But I made it clear that he wasn't to shut down the dirt-sheet webzine if he valued his chances of making it big. "Your parents don't understand that there's more than what meets the eye around here and it's up to you to make sure that you get the inside scoop no matter the cost," I had told him when he called me to say that he got  grounded for his pains. "And it's up to me to make sure that you keep writing those diss articles to lure out De'Andre and his family so I can take them and all those who placed me in jail down like rabid dogs. You can't back down, Bavier, not even if it means getting back in good standing with everyone. Sometimes it's better to be feared and hated than loved. It's the price to pay if you want to make it as a big shot."

At the moment, he was currently under lockdown at his place so there was little to no chance for us to meet at my temporary home, which was fine for me since things needed to chill out. So I was currently dressed in my all-black Nike sportswear as I made my way through the neighborhood with one destination in mind: the cemetery.


So I can make sure that Vion Copeland is indeed resting in the grave as he should've been in the first place. I hated to kill his useless ass, but his death was set in stone whether he left me high and dry or remained loyal to me and stayed in New Orleans (as he should have in the first place). I had no remorse for what I did and I knew that I made his grandparents and mine proud of me. Hell, God himself should give me an automatic reward in heaven when my time on Earth was up. And the Copelands might thank me in heaven for this because I saved their lives.

But I digress.

I finally reached the gated cemetery, taking in the sights of headstones and mausoleums as I began my search for the dead loser. The sooner that I found his headstone and danced on it, the better that I felt that one mission was completed.

"Kenya Halliday. I've been hoping that you'd turn up here."

My heart nearly fled out of my chest as I turned around to see the scathing glare of Mona Booker, the aunt of my victim, as she (in her tacky mourning black) was holding an urn in her hands. I smirked, composing myself. "Well, I just had to see for myself if Vion is really dead as they say," I commented flippantly. "I heard that he died from complications from being shot after a failure of a miraculous recovery. And I take it that those are his ashes?"

"Unfortunately for me and Donnie, they are. Vion wanted to have a simple cremation because of his claustrophobia after you locked him in tight spaces back in Louisiana."

I preened at the memory of hearing my former god-brother's panicked cries to be let out of closets because he didn't get my food orders right or I felt like my house parties weren't good enough (they were, but I didn't let him know of that because I liked to be sadistic, sue me). "Those were good times," I replied before snatching the urn out of the woman's hands and opening the lid. "And this is what I really think of your late nephew- the boy who should've died in New Orleans liked I hoped he would had he been loyal in the first place."

I inhaled deeply before spitting in it, making the woman squawk in fury.

"You bitch!" Mrs. Booker screeched angrily while I kept her nephew's ashes out of her reach while racing for the nearest trash can and dumping the urn's contents inside.

"Hey, I just had to do what's best," I replied cheerfully, ignoring the police sirens that were coming around. "And besides, Vion belongs in the dump whether here in this Podunk town or back in New Orleans. So consider this gratis for him going against my words. Because nobody leaves Kenya Halliday to fend for herself. NOBODY!"

"Is that a fact?" Mrs. Booker spat, her fists clenched at her sides as two police officers came to us.

"Damn Skippy, it is. And as for my treacherous family and that ex-boyfriend of mine and his family, I have plans to put them down for abandoning me and placing me in jail. I can't wait to lure them out so I can reclaim my status as the Princess of the Ninth Ward. I might have to go back to prison or face the electric chair for it, but at least the world will know my name. Hollywood will make movies about my crime waves and many writers would kill to make a biography about me. Vion and De'Andre, on the other hand, will be easily forgotten since no one likes pretty boys who favor underdogs. People like me come out on top while the losers end up dead."

"Says you," came the voice of one LIVID Talia Newman as she and her family soon joined the older woman with more police officers with my parents (who looked as if they just moved in). My cousin stormed over and spat in my face. "You got a lot of nerve for breaking out of prison and showing your ass here."

"I'm only here to take you down, dear cousin," I replied sweetly. "And with you and our parents in sight, I'm going to enjoy-"

I didn't even get to finish my sentence because I was soon wrestled to the ground by strong arms before feeling handcuffs being wrapped around my wrists. "Kenya Halliday, you're heading back to prison where you belong," I heard one of the male officers boom angrily before I was forced to my feet. "The warden back at Angola State Prison is expecting you."

"The hell I'm going back without enacting my revenge!" I yelled before a ball gag was stuffed in my mouth while a female officer began reading my rights.

Fucking hell, I didn't come to Virginia to be escorted back to Louisiana! But at least I know that Vion's dead and gone while I can count on Bavier to ensure that I get out. I wasn't going to leave town just yet, not if I could help it! I was a woman on a mission for a social cleansing and I plan to make sure that only the winners like me got to survive while everyone else got screwed.

I would make one phone call to Bavier to see if he would remain loyal to our cause. Because if he backed out...all bets were off.

It's official, folks! Miss Halliday's arrested three days after her arrival in town, but she's not willing to back down from a fight just yet! Unfortunately, she'll be sticking around for the rest of this story. But don't worry, folks. She'll get her just desserts. Trust me.

Coming up next, we'll check in with Nathan Bavier as he gets a surprise visit and an offer for an olive branch from Fordham, Talbot, and Quez Houlton himself as they make an offer that they don't want him to refuse. Don't miss it!

Dedication: Kookaain.


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