Chapter Fifty-One (Vion's Birthday Weekend, Pt. One)

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Vion's POV

The following weekend...

The Houlton Post/Daily Siren

Bay'Vion Copeland, His Life and Legacy in Stonehaven Pointe.

Gentle readers, today marks the 17th birthday of the late Bay'Vion "Vion" Copeland, the young man who came to our fair coastal town of Stonehaven Pointe, Virginia in search of his new life away from such a toxic former god-sister named Kenya Halliday. As you're all are aware by now, it was a tragic fate for him when he was gunned down by the late Sabrina Erdogan under Miss Halliday's orders not too long ago. And while he survived only three days before dying from complications, he had left a lasting impact on his classmates, his late relatives, and this community.

The moment when I first met him on the weekend before our junior year at Trotter's Ridge High School was when I knew that there was something special about Vion. He was down-to-earth, practical, and goal-driven while minding his manners and finding a new identity that didn't involve catering to Miss Halliday's needs and whims. Our friends and I knew that Vion Copeland was destined to go places and become a rising force in a world where chivalry and simple times seem to be outdated these days. For Miss Halliday, nasty is the new kind of cool, the latest chic to say the least. In her eyes, she and all those who aspire to follow her ideals were the ones to rule the world while people of Vion's caliber were on the brink of extinction.

But in my eyes, gentle readers- and I assume that you'll agree with me on this as well. I believe that people like Kenya are playing the most dangerous games that they are not fit to play. For them, they already had their rewards in this life. They liked to think that they're too good for anyone who doesn't agree with them. For us, it means that their time of grandeur is soon coming to an end. It means that the longer that the continue to dominate on the weak and disrespect the authorities while dancing through life without a care in the world...the harder the blow and the further they have to fall.

And as I join others in a celebratory memorial service to commemorate Vion's life and legacy, my prayer is that Vion is finally at peace with himself in the afterlife. He had spent too much time in Kenya's box of control and being her expendable toy. Now he can be free and rest in power. Rest on, Bay'Vion Copeland. See you in the morning.

Bay'Vion Copeland.
Forever in Our Hearts.

"De'Marquez Houlton, your articles are gaining more traction with you being the Keeper of the Keys," I told him as I (disguised as a stocky and athletic Hispanic teenager) joined the others (including Quintarrus and Damon, both of them soon to become fellow members of the Sons of Joneus) and the Westley duo at our table. "It's amazing how you can convince many of the readers who don't know the full story."

"Well, it's my duty to ensure that your true identity doesn't get out to the general public," Quez commented as he paused to sip on some sparkling grape juice. "Not only that, it make sure that Kenya Halliday remembers what she did and how she ended up on the blacklist of everyone she knows."

"For sure," Brian agreed.

Sure enough, the rest of the week flew by and I was celebrating my 17th birthday in the form of my "memorial service (for the general public to read in Quez's blogs)" while getting ready to enjoy a weekend of passions with my fellow brotherhood (both the adult males and my fellow youths). Of course, we also knew that Nathan Bavier was now a full-fledged ally after breaking things off with Kenya after learning that she was now arrested and waiting to be taken back to Louisiana for good.

And speaking of new allies, Nathan was joined by his parents as he looked uneasy. "Wow," he breathed as he parted ways with his parents before joining our table. "This place makes me feel uncomfortable, even though I know that I'm now an ally."

"Believe us, Bavier, we Guardians know how it feels to be among a brotherhood of super-powered male models," Tahira remarked, sending him a playful grin. "It takes time getting used to it, but you'll soon catch on."

"I'll bet," Nathan commented. To me, "Kid, I know that Kenya doesn't know who you are just yet and I intend to keep it that way. But I just gotta ask you how you stayed sane with someone who...who is-"

"Scary as all get out while looking like she was born to be a model?" I suggested.


I bit back a smile. "Trust me, Nathan. I've been asking myself the same thing before I came to town. I really didn't expect to last this long before joining the brotherhood. If I hadn't, well...I wouldn't be here by now."

"That's for sure," Mr. Westley agreed. "You came a long way, Vion, and my son and I believe that you're a perfect fit for our brotherhood. Your parents would've been proud of you to be who you are right now. Kenya is unfortunate to miss out on being a part of something that can never be decoded even if she dared to try."

"At least we know that Damon and Quintarrus are soon to join them during this weekend," Felicity hummed, turning to the newly-named "It couple" of Trotter's Ridge High as the young men in question only ducked their heads sheepishly. "Tahira and I knew that you two were meant for each other. And besides, at least the four of us can let each other down easily."

"Thanks," Damon said, smiling faintly as his co-captain boyfriend gently squeezed his hand lovingly. To Chasity, "Will Dad and Mom-"

"They'll know once I let them know that you two are soon to join them," his sister cut him off. To Quintarrus, "And I'll be sure to let your mom and grandparents know the same thing, Quin. Your late father was an asshole for beating you if he thought you weren't being man enough for him."

Quintarrus waved off the statement. "Hey, Mom was all but ready to break things off before all that alcohol claimed his liver and his life back when I was in middle school," he replied. "Her parents as well as his never liked him anyway, so we're glad that he's out of our lives. I'm just glad that Damon and I decided to stop beating around the bush and decided to make the ultimate gamble to join Vion and the other guys here. Brotherhood. Youth. Masculinity."

"Damn right," Mr. Westley drawled. "Once this party winds down and the Guardians head home, it'll be time to enjoy a weekend of unfiltered bliss."

"And that'll be my cue to leave," Nathan said abruptly, which made everyone snicker. "I'm all for a good party and even a storyline that's straight out of soap operas, but there's some secrets that I don't intend to truly know for myself. With that, I'll make sure to submit my personal post for the Daily Siren by this weekend, Houlton."

"Welcome to the Guardians, Bavier," Quez commented. To the rest of us, "I'm heading home myself since I have the upcoming ball to cover as well as a few assignments to finish."

"Same for me regarding school," Tahira noted. To me, "Happy birthday, Vion. Make sure to take care of Quin and Damon for me and Felicity."

I stood up to help Tahira with her coat before doing the same for Felicity as the power of the Joneus Nexus flowed with passion through my veins. "I intend to," I commented before taking the rest of the party to join my aunt and uncle. And as the party began to wind down and the last of the guests began to head home (me and Uncle Donnie joining De'Andre and his dad to send our families off safely under the guard of the policemen); I could tell that this weekend was going to be sensually memorable as Quintarrus and Damon were going to be a part of it.

Of course, I'm not going to share all the details, folks, as I am a gentleman who never tells everything. You'll have to use your imagination to figure out what happens next.

Don't get too comfortable just yet, folks, because De'Andre and Vion are talking about their futures as Joneus brothers and a possible relationship in the next chapter before tragedy strikes! Oh, my! And you thought that things might get easier?! We wouldn't have much of a story if there wasn't a bit of drama as we're getting closer and closer to the end! You don't want to miss out on the tea and shade that's going down, folks!

Dedication: JJChristian00 and MeiSummer. Song: "Juice" by Lizzo.


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